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EO.Web Controls License troubleshooting Options
Posted: Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:40:07 AM
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CallbackPanet ctl00_CallbackPanel1 requires a license. You can purchase a license from ....
Please refresh the page to continue . More on license. Already have a license ? See troubleshooting License Problems
Posted: Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:48:42 AM
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You are using the CallbackPanel control and your license is for the AJAXUploader control. We have replied your email with more details.

Posted: Thursday, October 7, 2010 9:35:52 AM
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"Splitter Splitter1 requires a license. You can purchase a license from http://www.essentialobjects.com/Order.aspx. Please refresh the page to continue. More on license.
Already have a license? See troubleshooting License problems."

I purchase the developer license suite and did the procedure on deployment and its still showing up.
Posted: Thursday, October 7, 2010 9:38:27 AM
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Thank you very much for your business. Did you check #1 and #2 (to verify the file exists and your application has permission to access it) and #3 (to verify the component version and license file version match)?

Posted: Thursday, October 7, 2010 9:44:19 AM
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I did #1, and #2 Read & Execute permission, and #3.

i also tried putting the C# code register license on page load.
Posted: Thursday, October 7, 2010 9:49:36 AM
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There should be no reason for you to see the license error if all those steps pass. We will need to be able to access your website to verify step 3 and have FTP access to your live server in order to verify step 1 and step 2 for you. You can send us those information through private message by click "PM ME" under any of our post.

Posted: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:05:34 PM
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I've downloaded a new version of controls because I'm using VS 2010 now.
But I'm having some problems with my license file.

The current control is in version 8.0. All right?

But, I've only this options when downloading my license file:
- License Key for EO.Web Controls 7.0 (2009)
- License Key for EO.Web Controls 2008 (look seems a 6.0 version)

How can I put my license file to work with the last control release?

Roberto Wolf
Posted: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:15:11 PM
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Yes. The current version is 8.0 (2010). Your license is for 6.0 (2008). The free upgrade included in your license covers one year after your purchase, that's why you can use 7.0 (2009). However since your purchase is more than two years old, it does not cover 8.0.

To use the current version you will need to place an upgrade order. The upgrade order will give you all new controls in 7.0 and 8.0 (free upgrade does not cover new controls) and also give you another year of free upgrade (so you will receive 2011). The cost of upgrade is based on how old your version is. We currently offer 70% for upgrading from 2009 and 50% off for upgrading from 2008. Since yours is 2008, so your discount rate would be 50% and that should give you a final price of $174.5. Please let us know if you are interested.

Posted: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:14:08 PM
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I'll consider this option. I love Essential Objects controls!

For now, there are any location that I could download the latest release of 7.0 (2009)?
I rolled back my DLL, but I think that is too old and have some bugs...

Thank you.

Posted: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:17:00 PM
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Sorry... I've checked my DLL version and it was:
Can I download the latest release of 6.0 in any location?

Bill Elliott
Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 4:39:09 PM

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I too am struggling with our Spliiter licensing. I have completed the following checks/tests;

1) LICX file is in the BIN directory
2) LICX has 'full rights' access to users
3) The 'version' in the LICX file matches the DLL (downloaded and installed 1/25/2011, then ordered 1/27/2011 )

Observations Think
The 'host' name used during registration is "DIRECTV.COM", but the actual server name is "LA.FRD.DIRECTV.COM". If I change that original Host value to 'anything' else, the website encounters a 'fatal error', not the "needs license" error.

Our LicenseID is; 3424696969

Bill Elliott
Sr Software Engineer / Web Architect

Bill Elliott
Sr Software Engineer / Web Architect
Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 4:51:35 PM
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The host name will be an issue. Because you have a standard license, only the host name itself and direct subdomain name of the registered domain name (for example, fdr.directtv.com, www.directtv.com) will work. Your host name as is "la.fdr.directive.com" will not work.

The "fatal error" is something unrelated to the license and probably is not anything related to our product at all. If you need the site to also work with "directtv.com", then you may want to check the stack trace to find out exactly where that error occurs. If you do not see any stack trace at all, then it's probably an IIS configuration issue.

If you only need the license to work for "la.fdr.directtv.com", we can change the host name for you once. Please make sure you have the correct domain name this time because we will not be able to change it again for you. If your user will access your site via "http://la.fdr.directtv.com/....", then the host name should be "fdr.directtv.com". If your user will access your site via "http://www.la.fdr.directtv.com/....", then the host name should be "la.fdr.directtv.com". If your site needs to be accessible through multiple domain names, then you will need a developer license. We can upgrade your license to developer license for the price difference; please let us know if you would like to do that.

Bill Elliott
Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 4:59:55 PM

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Thank you for the VERY quick response and help!

This site is an "Intranet" site, only, and I have not created a simpler 'url' for users to use (still developing the site). But, my boss (manager) has shown it to his bosses boss (VP!), who in turn (now) is wanting to access it during a presentation tomorrow (Tuesday).

The website is hosted on a Virtual Server, and the whole machine name is; VOAPPA01.LA.FRD.DIRECTV.COM (note, only one "T"). Currently, the only access to it is via the FQDN (http://voappa01.la.frd.directv.com). Should I apply a simpler 'alias', before we recreate the license?

Thank you, again!

Bill Elliott
Sr Software Engineer / Web Architect
Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 5:13:59 PM
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In that case you should set your license to "LA.FRD.DIRECTV.COM ". However you probably want to get a simpler alias first. If you can reduce it to one level below "DIRECTV.COM", then you do not need to change the license at all.

Whether the site is on the Intranet or on the Internet, or whether it is hosted on a real server or a virtual server does not matter. For standard license the host name is what really matters and must match. Developer license on the other hand works with any domain name. That is why standard license is cheaper than developer license.

Bill Elliott
Posted: Monday, February 7, 2011 5:17:12 PM

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Thank you (again). I am pinging my boss now for a short alias name, and will attempt applying that. There is only one developer (me) on this project, and that would be true going-forward too. So, I'll try getting the website's alias in place, and let you know from there.

Bill Elliott
Sr Software Engineer / Web Architect
Bill Elliott
Posted: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 2:05:40 PM

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My manager (Michael Kreitz) would like to speak to someone directly, please. Can you provide a phone number to contact??

He was careful to follow the directions during purchase and understood that we only needed to provide the 'root' domain name during the purchase. So, he'd like to voice-to-voice with someone about this. Also, we're not He-Said/She-Said about this solution, too.

Thank you.

Bill Elliott
Sr Software Engineer / Web Architect
Posted: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 2:20:15 PM
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Standard license only works for the direct sub domain of the domain name you provide. It does not work for grandchildren domain names.

We do not publish our phone number because we do not offer tech support over the phone, however we would be glad to call him back. Can you PM us his phone number?

Posted: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 4:37:00 PM
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We have spoke with Mike and have changed your license host name to "FRD.DIRECTV.COM" per his request. This will work with "LA.FRD.DIRECTV.COM" because that is a direct sub domain of "FRD.DIRECTV.COM". You will need to go the license key page to download and apply the new license file.

Please feel free to let us know if you still have any more questions.

Bill Elliott
Posted: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 4:51:16 PM

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Thank you! Mike will download the new one and send it to me.

Bill Elliott
Sr Software Engineer / Web Architect
Posted: Friday, February 18, 2011 11:25:59 PM
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I having problems with the EO license on my server, i have copied the license file to the bin folder . And I check the license file version and my DLL version.The EO.Web.dll is
eo_web.licx license file i downloaded is VER 8.It still cannot work.
So I check whether the host name portion of the Url that I used to access the site matches the host name in my license file. For example, if I access the site with Url "http://www.npust.edu.tw/app1/page1.aspx", then I link to another server the same domain:npust.edu.tw), the host name in my license file is "npust.edu.tw" .does it can work ? if it can't work, can I fix the license file from "npust.edu.tw" to ""?

I am so appreciating for your help.

It can't work for a long time,I don't know why?

With regards.

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