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EO.Web Controls License troubleshooting Options
Posted: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 8:29:35 AM
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This topic is for EO.Web Controls only. It does not apply to other products.

Note: This post is for troubleshooting runtime license error. A runtime license error is a message displayed on the top of your page that reads "xxxxx require a license. You can a purchase a license...." when you run the page.

1. Check whether the license file is indeed on your application's bin directory. If you use Visual Studio 2005 to deploy your website, it's very likely that the license file is not on the server. Visual Studio 2005 seems to automatically wipe out everything in your bin folder except for the .dll files every time you deploy;

2. Even if the license file exists, your code may still not be able to "see" it due to file permissions set on the license file. Try use the following code to determine if your app can "see" the license file:

Code: C#
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/eo_web.licx")))
    Response.Write("license file exists!");
    Response.Write("license file does NOT exists!");

3. Verify the version and type of your components and the version of the license file. Use a text editor to open the license file to view which version and components the license file is for. If the version or the components does not match, the license file won't work. For example, a license for "Menu, 5.0" will not work for "Menu, 2008 (6.0)", nor it will work for "SlideMenu, 5.0". The internal version number for each releases are:

For EO.Web Controls 2014 and older:
EO.Web Controls 3.x : 3.0
EO.Web Controls 2007.1: 4.0
EO.Web Controls 2007.2: 5.0
EO.Web Controls 2008: 6.0
EO.Web.Controls 2009: 7.0
EO.Web Controls 2010: 8.0
EO.Web Controls 2011: 9.0
EO.Web Controls 2012: 10.0
EO.Web Controls 2013: 11.0
EO.Web Controls 2014: 12.0

For EO.Web Controls 2015 and newer:
The version number is the two digits year number. For example, version number would be "15" for EO.WebControls 2015, "16" for EO.Web Controls 2016

4. If you have a standard license, then please check whether the host name portion of the Url that you used to access the site matches the host name in your license file. For example, if you access the site with Url "http://server1/app1/page1.aspx", then the host name in your license file must also be "server1" (not case sensitive). You can view your license file with any text editor to see the host name of your license file. Note this only applies to standard license. Developer license does not restrict host names;

If you have a license for an older version and just updated to a newer version, you will need to get a new license file. See here for more details.
Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 7:44:27 PM
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Hi, I have checked that the eo_web.licx file is in the /bin folder for the project. (I can see it), but I am getting the the message that the license file does NOT exist when I run the test code ::

If file.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/eo_web.licx")) Then
Response.Write("license file exists!")
Response.Write("license file does NOT exists!")
End If

Where to from here?

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 8:18:04 PM
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There are only two possibilities when you do not see the license file:

1. The license file is not there;


2. Your application does not have enough permission to "see" that file. To verify this is the problem, grant "Everyone" read permission on eo_web.licx. If that fixes the problem, then it's a permission issue;

Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2010 5:52:37 PM
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Does the eo_web.licx need to be in the root of the site or the bin directory? Reason I ask is that your test code above points to the root of the website, not the BIN directory.

This points to the root of the site and returns false (for me):
If file.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/eo_web.licx")) Then

But if I change it to this, it returns true:
If file.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/bin/eo_web.licx")) Then

But, in either case, I'm still getting the banner at the top of the page telling me I need a license.


Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2010 6:13:21 PM
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Both locations are fine. Your case most likely to be a version mismatch. So please check item 3 first.

Pastel Payroll
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:45:00 AM
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I having problems with the EO license on one of my clients server, i have downloaded the license file from the website but still i m getting the popup message license. i have copied the license file to the bin folder and the root folder. i have write a test code is picking up the file.

i need help with this
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:11:41 AM
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Did you check the license file version and your DLL version?

Pastel Payroll
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:17:55 AM
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The EO.web Dll is ver, but the license file i downloaded is VER 8:
<add type="Menu" version="8.0" />
<add type="SlideMenu" version="8.0" />
<add type="TabStrip" version="8.0" />
<add type="TreeView" version="8.0" />
<add type="MultiPage" version="8.0" />
<add type="Calendar" version="8.0" />
<add type="Callback" version="8.0" />
<add type="AJAXUploader" version="8.0" />
<add type="Dialog" version="8.0" />
<add type="Splitter" version="8.0" />
<add type="MaskedEdit" version="8.0" />
<add type="Grid" version="8.0" />
<add type="ColorPicker" version="8.0" />
<add type="SpellChecker" version="8.0" />
<add type="Editor" version="8.0" />
<add type="ImageZoom" version="8.0" />
<add type="Downloader" version="8.0" />
<add type="Floater" version="8.0" />
<add type="Slide" version="8.0" />
<add type="Flyout" version="8.0" />
<add type="EditableLabel" version="8.0" />
<orderInfo date="6/14/2010" version="8" />

is that correct??
if not pls help.

Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:20:20 AM
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No. The license file version must match the DLL version. Please update your DLL to version 8 (the current version).

Pastel Payroll
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:56:19 AM
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i have downloaded the lastest setup from your site is still shows Ver 7.0., please send me the downlpad link for Ver 8.
Ben Switzer
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 9:20:10 AM
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If you hover over the EO controls in the Visual Studio toolbox, it should show 8.0. If it does, I think you can choose any page in your project and double-click an EO control and it should try to overwrite the old dll.
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 9:47:16 AM
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Pastel Payroll wrote:
i have downloaded the lastest setup from your site is still shows Ver 7.0., please send me the downlpad link for Ver 8.


I am not sure why you think it's still version 7. We have had version 8 on our download page for quite a while. The download file name should be EOWeb_80_Setup.exe, which is clearly 8.0.

Ben might have pointed you to the right direction: your project is still using the old DLL. Installing a new version on your machine does not automatically change what your project was using. You can try Ben's suggestion, or go to your solution explorer -> Reference to delete EO.Web (this could be still pointing to the old version) and then choose Add Reference to add the new one.

Hope this helps.

Pastel Payroll
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:25:09 AM
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hi guys

i did all that, i downloaded the lastest setup and i have added the latest dll to my project, but as soon as i publish the website to the server i still get the license popup.
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:45:03 PM
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Please make sure to follow all the license troubleshooting steps on your server. What's on your server may not be the same on your development machine. For example, Visual Studio may delete the license file for you when you publish the project (because VS always empties the bin folder); Or somehow your project still remembers the old version and as soon as you build, Visual Studio would bring in a cached old version. For example, the version you downloaded from our server is 8.0.24, so you will want to check whether your server indeed has that version. If not, then you need to get that corrected.

Other than those tests, there is really nothing else we can tell you. If all the tests pass, there should be no reason the license would not work.

Posted: Friday, September 10, 2010 5:58:34 AM
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Is there any syntax/approach I can follow to circumvent this deletion of the license on publishing issue?

I want to avoid the need to copy the License file across every time I re publish. Is there a setting I can load that tells the applet where to find the license file, then I can salt it away in a separate location on the server and publish away without it being removed and require refreshing every time?
Posted: Friday, September 10, 2010 9:05:19 AM
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You can set the license through code (thus no need to have a license file) in your Global class file (you will need to create your Global class file and make sure it's getting called if you don't have one yet). You can copy and paste the code from your license key page.

Posted: Thursday, September 16, 2010 6:44:09 PM
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I'm having the same issue and I have tried what is listed here. This only started after I went from 7 to 8. The error only appears with the slider control. I checked and the dll in the bin directory is 8.0. This is my lic file:
<add type="Menu" version="8.0" />
<add type="SlideMenu" version="8.0" />
<add type="TabStrip" version="8.0" />
<add type="TreeView" version="8.0" />
<add type="MultiPage" version="8.0" />
<add type="Calendar" version="8.0" />
<add type="Callback" version="8.0" />
<add type="AJAXUploader" version="8.0" />
<add type="Dialog" version="8.0" />
<add type="Splitter" version="8.0" />
<add type="MaskedEdit" version="8.0" />
<add type="Grid" version="8.0" />
<add type="ColorPicker" version="8.0" />
<add type="SpellChecker" version="8.0" />
<add type="Editor" version="8.0" />
<add type="ImageZoom" version="8.0" />
<add type="Downloader" version="8.0" />
<add type="Floater" version="8.0" />
<orderInfo date="10/24/2009" version="7" />

(licenseid and signature changed)

This is the new lic file I downloaded from the site (which I am entitled to an upgrade).

I've also tried putting the code in the global.asax file with the same effect.

Any ideas?
Posted: Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:05:30 PM
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This is normal. The license file acquired through free upgrade does not cover new controls. Because the Slide control is new in version 8, so your license file does not cover that control. To use any new controls, you must place an upgrade order. The current upgrade price for your order is about $105 (30% of the full price). This will be a brand new license that covers all controls and also give you another year of free upgrade. Please let us know if you are interested.

Posted: Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:26:05 AM
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i downloaded setup file: EOWeb_80_Setup.exe and i have a standard license i copied eo_web.licx in bin folder and in root folder too but i always get a pop up message that tells me that i need a license. I applied read & execute permission in the license file but this does not fixed the problem.

Please i need to fix this problem ASAP
Posted: Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:30:05 AM
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Do you have the site online so that we can take a look? Also what is the warning message you have received? The original post is the ultimate license troubleshooting guide and it should cover all scenarios. If you have verified all steps then you should not receive the license error. If one particular step fails, then please let us know which step fail.


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