Change Log
Include change log for:
2/11/2025 - EO.Total 2025.0.86
This build contains updates to the following products:
- Fixed PdfRender not rendering signature field issue;
- Fixed F12 automatically opens DevTools window issue;
- Fixed loading a Url into a WebView with DevTools window open would actually load the Url into the DevTools window issue;
- Fixed updaging Engine.Proxy property does not take effect immediately issue;
1/6/2025 - EO.Total 2025.0.50
This build contains updates to the following products:
- Added EngineOptions.SetFeatureState method to enable/disable various browser engine features;
- Fixed FindSession.Update event not triggered issue;
- Fixed the initial size of the WebView may not be correct on high DPI system issue;
12/11/2024 - EO.Total 2025.0.26
This build contains updates to the following products:
EO.WebEngine (Affecting EO.Pdf and EO.WebBrowser)
- Fixed browser engine crashes if the application folder contains some special Unicode character issue;
- Fixed browser engine crashes on Windows Server 2012 issue;
- Fixed PdfDocument.Merge not recognizes OCProperties in the document's catalog dictionary issue;
- Disabled Chromium's built-in download completion bubble;
- Disabled Chromium's built-in status message bubble;
- Fixed input field's onblur event maybe fired more than once when focus is moved away from the input field issue;
- Fixed the initial size of the WebView maybe wrong on a high DPI system issue;
11/20/2024 - EO.Total 2025.0.4
This build contains updates to the following products:
EO.WebEngine (Affecting EO.Pdf and EO.WebBrowser)
- Fixed not able to load CloudFlare protected web site issue;
- Fixed MVCToPDF may receive empty PDF result file issue;
- Fixed result PDF file contains invalid content when GenerateTags is set to true issue;
- Fixed some browser engine crash issues;
- Improved keyboard event routing mechanism;