Table of Contents
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    • EO.Web ASPX To PDF
    • EO.Web Slide
    • EO.Web Flyout
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    • EO.Web Calendar
    • EO.Web Callback
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    • EO.Web Dialog
    • EO.Web AJAXUploader
    • EO.Web ProgressBar - Free!
    • EO.Web ToolBar - Free!
  • EO.WebBrowser
  • EO.Wpf
  • Common Topics
  • Reference
Handle Calendar Events

Apply to

Calendar, PopupCalendar and DatePicker


Calendar controls offer several server side and client side events.

Server Side Events

Event Remark

This event occurs when the user has selected a date. Use SelectedDate or SelectedDates or property on the server side to get the current selected date(s).

This event is not raised by default. By default, the Calendar raises the client side select event when a date is selected. To raises this event, set AutoPostBackOnSelect to true.


This event occurs when when the user has scrolled to another month. Use VisibleDate to get the first visible date, which is the first day of the first visible month.

This event is not raised by default. By default, the Calendar raises the client side scroll event when it scrolls. To raises this event, set AutoPostBackOnScroll to true.


Handle this event to implement you own custom rendering code. Inside this event you can render any HTML code into each day cells.

When a handler is provided for this event, AutoPostBackOnScroll is automatically set to true so that every time when the Calendar needs to render another month, it comes back to the server to call the event handler code again. To avoid full page reload, place the Calendar inside an EO.Web.CallbackPanel and set the Calendar as a trigger of the CallbackPanel control.

Client Side Events

Event Remark
ClientSideOnSelect Occurs when user has selected a date.
ClientSideOnScroll Occurs after the calendar has scrolled to another month.

EO.Web Calendar supports custom title and footer templates. Inside these templates, you can use built-in variables or define your own variables, which will be re-evaluated every time the calendar refreshes. For example, you can use "{today:MM/dd/yyyy}" in your HTML code to refer built-in variable "today", the segment will be substituted with today's date formatted using the given format.

EO.Web Calendar calls this event handler for every variable it enconutered before resolving built-in variables. So it's possible to use this event handler to override the default built-in variable evaluation logic.

A variety of samples demonstrating these events are available online.