Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Web
- Overview
- Installation & Deployement
- EO.Web ToolTip
- EO.Web Rating
- EO.Web Slider & RangeSlider
- EO.Web ListBox
- EO.Web ComboBox
- EO.Web Captcha
- EO.Web Slide
- EO.Web Flyout
- EO.Web EditableLabel
- EO.Web ImageZoom
- EO.Web Floater
- EO.Web Downloader
- EO.Web ColorPicker
- EO.Web HTML Editor
- EO.Web File Explorer
- EO.Web SpellChecker
- EO.Web Grid
- EO.Web MaskedEdit
- EO.Web Splitter
- EO.Web Menu
- EO.Web Slide Menu
- EO.Web TabStrip
- EO.Web TreeView
- EO.Web Calendar
- EO.Web Callback
- EO.Web MultiPage
- EO.Web Dialog
- EO.Web AJAXUploader
- EO.Web ProgressBar - Free!
- EO.Web ToolBar - Free!
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.Wpf
- Common Topics
- Reference
Overview |
EO.Web includes a set of ASP.NET server controls and designers that offer powerful navigational, AJAX and extensive UI functionalities on a Web page.
EO.Web ToolTip
EO.Web ToolTip control is a template based control that triggers a tooltip popup when user moves mouse over the trigger element. |
EO.Web Rating
EO.Web Rating allows user to select a "rating" by selecting number of stars from a given total number of stars. |
EO.Web Slider and RangeSlider
The Slider control allows user to select a single value from a range of values by moving a thumb along a track. The RangeSlider control allows user to select a value range by moving two thumbs along a track. |
EO.Web ListBox
EO.Web ListBox represents a list box control that allows single or multiple item selection. |
EO.Web ComboBox
EO.Web ComboBox displays a text box edit field combined with a ListBox, enabling the user to select items from the list or to enter new text. |
EO.Web Captcha
EO.Web Captcha generates an image that can be used to test whether the client is a human or a computer. |
EO.Web ASPX to PDF is an ASP.NET server control for you to convert any ASP.NET page into PDF. |
EO.Web Slide
EO.Web Slide offers slide show like UI interface. |
EO.Web Flyout
EO.Web Flyout implement flyout popup UI. |
EO.Web EditableLabel
EO.Web EditableLabel is displayed as a Label like static text but can automatically switch to edit mode when clicked. |
EO.Web ImageZoom
EO.Web ImageZoom offers a convenient and easy to use control to zoom in any image. |
EO.Web Downloader
EO.Web Downloader offers a fast and convenient way to add download functionalities. |
EO.Web Floater
EO.Web Floater offers the ability to fix contents position regardless of the page scrolling positions. |
EO.Web Editor
EO.Web Editor is a highly customizable, feature rich and light-weighted WYSIWYG HTML Editor designed for ASP.NET. |
EO.Web FileExplorer
EO.Web FileExplorer offers a highly customizable UI that allows you to browse, organize, and upload files to the server, all in a UI layout that's very similar to Windows Explorer. |
EO.Web SpellChecker
EO.Web SpellChecker is a highly customizable and easy to use spell checker engine for ASP.NET. The engine is provided as a standard ASP.NET control which makes adding spell-checking functionaries as simple as a few mouse clicks. Features are also exposed through JavaScript API to ensure maximum flexibility. |
EO.Web ColorPicker
EO.Web ColorPicker offers an easy to use drop down Adobe Photoshop style color picker. |
EO.Web ToolBar
EO.Web ToolBar offers a convenient way for you to display a collection of ToolBarItem objects that can function as push button, toggle button, drop-down menu buttons or any form of custom button. |
EO.Web Grid
EO.Web Grid offers a rich editable and scrollable data grid control that giving user a superior experience by performing most tasks, such as editing, scrolling, paging and sorting on the client side. It also supports three running modes to handle both large and small data set. |
EO.Web MaskedEdit
EO.Web MaskedEdit offers masked edit textbox that restricts the kind of text that can be entered. Unlike most other MaskedEdit contol on the market that only support a single segment or a few fixed masks, EO.Web MaskedEdit control supports multiple segments with four different segment types: Literal, Number, Choice and Mask. By combining segments of various types together, EO.Web MaskedEdit is capable of handling much more sophisticated patterns. |
EO.Web Splitter
EO.Web Splitter offers ability to split screen into multiple resizable splitter pane. The splitter can be vertical, horizontal, or complex layout with multiple splitter nested together. |
EO.Web Menu
EO.Web Menu offers powerful functions and designer to create DHTML menu. Key features include: Powerful Menu Builder with preview function, look, skin & theme, effects, data binding, cross frame, complete client side interface, nesting ASP.NET controls and much more. |
EO.Web Slide Menu
EO.Web SlideMenu offers Microsoft Windows XP/Outlook style sliding menu. SlideMenu inherits almost all EO.Web Menu key features, including look, skin & theme, effects, data binding, cross frame, complete client side interface, etc. A powerful SlideMenu Builder is also provided. |
EO.Web TabStrip
EO.Web TabStrip offers rich tab-based navigation with a variety of built-in skins, including Windows XP style and various overlapping tab skin to start with. The control features full server-side & client-side object models, extensive data binding support, both server-side & client-side event support and a powerful TabStrip Builder. |
EO.Web MultiPage
EO.Web MultiPage offers highly flexible multi-view functionality. The control supports complete server-side & client-side object models that allow you to switch the active page either on the server side or on the client side as you wish. It can be used with TabStrip to create a multi-tab interface effortlessly in a matter of seconds. |
EO.Web TreeView
EO.Web TreeView is used to display hierarchical data in a tree structure. The TreeView is highly customizable and comes with a variety of built-in skins out-of-box, you can also use TreeView Builder to build your own look and feel in a matter of seconds. It also supports many advanced features such as checkboxes and expanding on demand. |
EO.Web Calendar
EO.Web Calendar offers highly customizable calendar and date picker functionality. Core features include: WYSIWYG design time rendering, state of art Calendar Builder, single/multiple/week/month selection support, multiple month calendar, popup date picker, complete server and client side script interface and much more. |
EO.Web Callback
EO.Web Callback adds AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) functionality to your page and enables you to update part of the page without reloading the whole page. |
EO.Web ProgressBar
An EO.Web ProgressBar is a graphical component that provides information about the status of a given task. It uses an image or a color bar to indicate progress as a percentage of work completed and, if configured, with a text message at the center. When a website is engaged in a long task, it is useful to use ProgressBar to inform user what is going on and how long they will have to wait. |
EO.Web AJAXUploader
EO.Web AJAXUploader is a file-upload component providing a highly customizable interface to allow end user upload one or multiple files via AJAX to web server. The default UI layout of an AJAXUploader contains one or more input file elements, an EO.Web ProgressBar to indicate the uploading progress status and a list of posted files. You can also use custom layout. |
EO.Web Dialog
EO.Web Dialog control provides client side and server side APIs to design, create and manipulate a dialog on a web page. |