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eoapi Objects

EO.WebEngine (used by both EO.WebBrowser and EO.Pdf) defines a global variable "eoapi". This variable is available in every page as a native browser object. For example, you can use the following code to test whether a page is running inside EO.WebEngine:

if (typeof(eoapi) == "undefined")
    //Perform logic in a non-EO.WebEngine environment
    //Perform logic specific to EO.WebEngine

The following code displays the version of EO.WebEngine used:


See here for more information on how to use this object.
convert Triggers the HTML to PDF conversion.
extInvoke Call a JavaScript extension method.
getChromiumVersion Gets the Chromium browser engine version.
getEventListeners Returns all event listeners for a given element.
getVersion Gets Essential Objects product release version.
isEOPdf Returns true if the product is EO.Pdf.
isEOWebBrowser Returns true if the product is EO.WebBrowser.
resetTrigger Reset the manual conversion trigger.