Table of Contents
Grid Objects

Client side representation of a Grid control.

Base Object
Grid derives from Control and inherits all method provided by Control.
Name Description
addItem Adds a new grid item.
compareCells Compares whether two GridCell are the same.
deleteItem Deletes the item at the specified index.
editCell Places a cell into edit mode.
editItem Places an item into edit mode.
findCell Find the cell that is below the given x and y coordinate.
getColumn Returns the grid column at the given index or with the specified column name.
getColumnCount Returns the total number of columns.
getContextCell Returns the cell that currently has the context menu displayed.
getContextItem Returns the item that currently has the context menu displayed.
getCurrentPage Returns the current page index.
getDeletedItemCount Returns the total number of items deleted by user.
getEditCell Returns the GridCell object that is currently in edit mode.
getEditItem Returns the GridItem object that is currently in edit mode.
getItem Returns an item at the specific index.
getItemCount Returns the total number of items in the grid.
getNewItemCount Returns the total number of items added by user.
getPageFirstItem Returns the index of the first item on the current page.
getPageSize Returns the number of items per page.
getRecordCount Returns the total number of records.
getSelectedCell Returns the selected cell.
getSelectedItem Returns the selected item.
getSortColumn Gets the column that is the Grid is currently sorted on.
getSortOrder Gets the current Grid sort order.
getTotalPages Returns total number of pages.
goToPage Switches to a given page.
raiseItemCommandEvent Raises a server side ItemCommand event.
selectCell Selects a cell.
selectItem Selects an item.
undeleteItem Undelete an item that has previously been deleted.