Table of Contents
ColorPicker Objects

Client side representation of a ColorPicker control.

Base Object
ColorPicker derives from Control and inherits all method provided by Control.
Name Description
accept Accepts the current selection and close the color picker popup.
clear Clears the color picker value.
formatColor Returns the string representation of the given color in the form of "#RRGGBB".
GetBlue Get the blue component value (0 - 255).
getBrightness Get brightness value (0 - 100).
getC Get the cyan value (0 - 100).
getGreen Get the green component value (0 - 255).
getHue Get hue value (0 - 359).
getK Get the black value (0 - 100).
getM Get the magenta value (0 - 100).
getNearestColorName Returns the name of the nearest named color.
getNearestNamedColor Returns the nearest named color.
getRed Get the red component value (0 - 255).
getSaturation Get saturation value (0 - 100).
getValue Gets the current value in web color format. For example, "#ff0000" as red.
getY Get the yellow value (0 - 100).
isEmpty Returns a value indicating whether the color picker contains an empty value.
setCmyk Set the current color in CMYK format, all values are in percentage (0 - 100).
SetHsb Set the current color in HSB format.
setRgb Set the current color in RGB format.
setValue Set the current color in web color format. For example, "#ff0000" as red.
showPopup Displays the color picker popup.