Table of Contents
TabControl Properties

The properties of the TabControl class are listed below. For a complete list of TabControl class members, see the TabControl Members topic.

Name Description
ActualHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ActualWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
AllowDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
AlternationCount (inherited from ItemsControl) 
AreAnyTouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
AutoRotate Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the items header is auto-rotated or not. This is a dependency property.
Background (inherited from Control) 
BindingGroup (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
BitmapEffect (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BitmapEffectInput (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BorderBrush (inherited from Control) 
BorderThickness (inherited from Control) 
BottomRightScrollButtonStyle Gets or sets the Style applied to the scroll button used to scroll right or bottom. This is a dependency property.
CacheMode (inherited from UIElement) 
Clip (inherited from UIElement) 
ClipToBounds (inherited from UIElement) 
CloseTabButtonStyle Gets or sets the style applied to TabItem's close button. This is a dependency property.
CommandBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
ContentStringFormat Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the contents of the TabItem objects if they are displayed as strings. This is a dependency property.
ContentTemplate Gets or sets the DataTemplate to apply to any TabItem that does not have a ContentTemplate or ContentTemplateSelector property defined. This is a dependency property.
ContentTemplateSelector Gets or sets a DataTemplateSelector that provides custom logic for choosing the template that is used to display the content of the control. This is a dependency property.
ContextMenu (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
CornerRadius Gets or sets a value that represents the degree to which the corners of the tab contents area are rounded.
Cursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DataContext (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DefaultStyleKey (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DependencyObjectType (inherited from DependencyObject) 
DesiredSize (inherited from UIElement) 
Dispatcher (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
DisplayMemberPath (inherited from ItemsControl) 
DropDownMenuMode Gets or sets the visibility mode of the TabControl's drop down menu. This is a dependency property.
Effect (inherited from UIElement) 
FixedContentTemplate Gets or sets a fixed DataTemplate to be applied to all tab items content.
FlowDirection (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Focusable (inherited from UIElement) 
FocusVisualStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
FontFamily (inherited from Control) 
FontSize (inherited from Control) 
FontStretch (inherited from Control) 
FontStyle (inherited from Control) 
FontWeight (inherited from Control) 
ForceCursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Foreground (inherited from Control) 
GroupStyle (inherited from ItemsControl) 
GroupStyleSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
HandlesScrolling (inherited from Control) 
HasAnimatedProperties (inherited from UIElement) 
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
HasItems (inherited from ItemsControl) 
HeaderElement Returns the UIElement that holds the header of the TabControl.
HeaderPadding Gets or sets the padding value for the header section.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the HeaderTemplate property. This is a dependency property.
Height (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
InheritanceBehavior (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
InputBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
InputScope (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsArrangeValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsEnabledCore (inherited from UIElement) 
IsFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsGrouping (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsHitTestVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
IsInitialized (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsInputMethodEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocusWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsLoaded (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsManipulationEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMeasureValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsSealed (inherited from DependencyObject) 
IsStylusCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem (inherited from Selector) 
IsTabStop (inherited from Control) 
IsTextSearchCaseSensitive (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsTextSearchEnabled (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
ItemBindingGroup (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerGenerator (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerStyle (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerStyleSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Items (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemsDropDownButtonStyle Gets or sets the Style applied to the DropDownButton used to display the list of available tab items. This is a dependency property.
ItemsPanel (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemsSource (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemStringFormat (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemTemplate (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemTemplateSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Language (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LayoutTransform (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LogicalChildren (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Margin (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Name (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
NewTabButtonStyle Gets or sets the Style for the new tab button. This is a dependency property.
Opacity (inherited from UIElement) 
OpacityMask (inherited from UIElement) 
OverlapDepth Gets or sets the overlap depth. This is a dependency property.
OverridesDefaultStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
PersistId (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
RenderSize (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransform (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransformOrigin (inherited from UIElement) 
Resources (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
SelectedContent Gets the content of the currently selected TabItem. This is a dependency property.
SelectedContentStringFormat Gets a composite string that specifies how to format the content of the currently selected TabItem if it is displayed as a string. This is a dependency property.
SelectedContentTemplate Gets the DataTemplate of the currently selected item. This is a dependency property.
SelectedContentTemplateSelector Gets the DataTemplateSelector of the currently selected item. This is a dependency property.
SelectedIndex (inherited from Selector) 
SelectedItem (inherited from Selector) 
SelectedValue (inherited from Selector) 
SelectedValuePath (inherited from Selector) 
ShowCloseTabButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a close button on each tab item. This is a dependency property.
ShowNewTabButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a button next to the last tab item that allows user to add new tab items. This is a dependency property.
SnapsToDevicePixels (inherited from UIElement) 
Style (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
StylusPlugIns (inherited from UIElement) 
TabIndex (inherited from Control) 
TabItemOverflowStrategy Gets or sets the strategy to use when tab items can not fit into a single row. This is a dependency property.
TabStripPlacement Gets or sets how tab headers align relative to the tab content. This is a dependency property.
Tag (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Template (inherited from Control) 
TemplatedParent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ToolTip (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
TopLeftScrollButtonStyle Gets or sets the Style applied to the scroll button used to scroll left or top. This is a dependency property.
TouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Triggers (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Uid (inherited from UIElement) 
UseLayoutRounding (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
Visibility (inherited from UIElement) 
VisualBitmapEffect (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapEffectInput (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapScalingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualCacheMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualChildrenCount (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VisualClearTypeHint (inherited from Visual) 
VisualClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEdgeMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEffect (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOffset (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacity (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacityMask (inherited from Visual) 
VisualParent (inherited from Visual) 
VisualScrollableAreaClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextHintingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextRenderingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTransform (inherited from Visual) 
VisualXSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
VisualYSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
Width (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
See Also