Table of Contents
MenuItem Properties

The properties of the MenuItem class are listed below. For a complete list of MenuItem class members, see the MenuItem Members topic.

Name Description
ActualHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ActualWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
AllowDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
AlternationCount (inherited from ItemsControl) 
AreAnyTouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Background (inherited from Control) 
BindingGroup (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
BitmapEffect (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BitmapEffectInput (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BorderBrush (inherited from Control) 
BorderThickness (inherited from Control) 
CacheMode (inherited from UIElement) 
CheckGroup Gets or sets the check group for this item.
Clip (inherited from UIElement) 
ClipToBounds (inherited from UIElement) 
CollapseDelay Use this property to specify the amount of time (in milliseconds) between user moving mouse out of a sub menu and the sub menu close.
CollapseEffect Gets or sets the effect played when the sub menu closes.
ColumnCount Gets or sets the number of columns for the sub menu of this menu item.
Command Gets or sets the command associated with the menu item.
CommandBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
CommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the Command property of a MenuItem.
CommandTarget Gets or sets the target element on which to raise the specified command.
ContextMenu (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Cursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DataContext (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DefaultStyleKey (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DependencyObjectType (inherited from DependencyObject) 
DesiredSize (inherited from UIElement) 
Dispatcher (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
DisplayMemberPath (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Effect (inherited from UIElement) 
ExpandDelay Gets or sets the expand delay in millisecond.
ExpandEffect Gets or sets the effect played when the sub menu opens.
FlowDirection (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Focusable (inherited from UIElement) 
FocusVisualStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
FontFamily (inherited from Control) 
FontSize (inherited from Control) 
FontStretch (inherited from Control) 
FontStyle (inherited from Control) 
FontWeight (inherited from Control) 
ForceCursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Foreground (inherited from Control) 
GroupStyle (inherited from ItemsControl) 
GroupStyleSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
HasAnimatedProperties (inherited from UIElement) 
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
HasHeader (inherited from HeaderedItemsControl) 
HasItems (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Header (inherited from HeaderedItemsControl) 
HeaderStringFormat (inherited from HeaderedItemsControl) 
HeaderTemplate (inherited from HeaderedItemsControl) 
HeaderTemplateSelector (inherited from HeaderedItemsControl) 
Height (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
Icon Gets or sets the icon that appears in a MenuItem.
IconTemplate Gets or sets the DataTemplate used for the menu item icon.
InheritanceBehavior (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
InputBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
InputGestureText Sets the text describing an input gesture that will call the command tied to the specified item.
InputScope (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsArrangeValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsCheckable Gets a value that indicates whether a MenuItem can be checked.
IsChecked Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the MenuItem is checked.
IsEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsGrouping (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsHighlighted Gets a value that indicates whether a MenuItem is highlighted.
IsHitTestVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
IsInitialized (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsInputMethodEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocusWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsLoaded (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsManipulationEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMeasureValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsPressed Gets a value that indicates whether a MenuItem is pressed.
IsSealed (inherited from DependencyObject) 
IsSeparator Gets or sets a value indicating whether this MenuItem is a separator.
IsStylusCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsSubmenuOpen Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the submenu of the MenuItem is open.
IsTabStop (inherited from Control) 
IsTextSearchCaseSensitive (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsTextSearchEnabled (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
ItemBindingGroup (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerGenerator (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerStyle (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerStyleSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Items (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemsPanel (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemsSource (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemStringFormat (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemTemplate (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemTemplateSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Language (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LayoutTransform (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Level Gets the level of this menu item.
LogicalChildren (inherited from HeaderedItemsControl) 
Margin (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Name (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Opacity (inherited from UIElement) 
OpacityMask (inherited from UIElement) 
OverridesDefaultStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
PersistId (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
RenderSize (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransform (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransformOrigin (inherited from UIElement) 
Resources (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Role Gets a value that indicates the role of a MenuItem.
SeparatorTemplate Gets or sets the separator template.
SnapsToDevicePixels (inherited from UIElement) 
StaysOpenOnClick Gets or sets a value that indicates that the submenu in which this MenuItem is located should not close when this item is clicked.
Style (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
StylusPlugIns (inherited from UIElement) 
SubItemExpandOnClick Gets or sets a value indicating whether a sub menu item should expand when user clicks the item or when user moves mouse over the item.
SubmenuHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the sub menu header template.
SubmenuOrientation Gets or sets the orientation of the sub menu.
TabIndex (inherited from Control) 
Tag (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Template (inherited from Control) 
TemplatedParent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ToolTip (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
TopLevelHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the top level header item template.
TopLevelItemTemplate Gets or sets the top level item template.
TouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Triggers (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Uid (inherited from UIElement) 
UseLayoutRounding (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
Visibility (inherited from UIElement) 
VisualBitmapEffect (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapEffectInput (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapScalingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualCacheMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualChildrenCount (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VisualClearTypeHint (inherited from Visual) 
VisualClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEdgeMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEffect (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOffset (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacity (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacityMask (inherited from Visual) 
VisualParent (inherited from Visual) 
VisualScrollableAreaClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextHintingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextRenderingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTransform (inherited from Visual) 
VisualXSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
VisualYSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
Width (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
See Also