Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.Wpf
- Common Topics
- Reference
- .NET API Reference
- EO.Base
- EO.Base.UI
- EO.Extensions
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Pdf.Acm
- EO.Pdf.Contents
- EO.Pdf.Drawing
- EO.Pdf.Mvc
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.WebBrowser.DOM
- EO.WebEngine
- EO.WinForm
- EO.Wpf
- EO.Wpf
- Classes
- BareButton Class
- Bitmap Class
- BitmapButton Class
- BooleanDependencyPropertyRoutedEventArgs Class
- Button Class
- Calendar Class
- CalendarDayButton Class
- CalendarMonth Class
- CancelEventArgs Class
- CheckBox Class
- ChoiceMaskedEditSegment Class
- ComboBox Class
- ComboBoxItem Class
- DatePicker Class
- DatePicker Class
- DatePicker Members
- DatePicker Constructor
- Fields
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- DateRangeCollection Class
- DateRangeCollectionConverter Class
- DockContainer Class
- DockItem Class
- DockItemClosingEventArgs Class
- DockItemCollection Class
- DockItemEventArgs Class
- DockItemNeededEventArgs Class
- DockView Class
- DockViewCollection Class
- DockViewCommands Class
- DockViewEventArgs Class
- DockViewNeededEventArgs Class
- DocumentItem Class
- DropDown Class
- DropDownButton Class
- DropDownService Class
- EditItemEventArgs Class
- Effect Class
- EffectManager Class
- Expander Class
- ItemDragEventArgs Class
- ItemDragOverEventArgs Class
- ItemDropEventArgs Class
- ItemsControlHelper Class
- LinkButton Class
- ListBox Class
- ListBoxItem Class
- MaskedEdit Class
- MaskedEditSegment Class
- MaskMaskedEditSegment Class
- Menu Class
- MenuBase Class
- MenuItem Class
- MonthPicker Class
- MultiplyConverter Class
- NamedResourceKey Class
- NegationConverter Class
- NewItemRequestedEventArgs Class
- NumericMaskedEditSegment Class
- OpacityConverter Class
- PatternMaskedEditSegment Class
- PdfViewer Class
- ProgressBar Class
- RadialPanel Class
- RadioButton Class
- RangeSlider Class
- RegexMaskedEditSegment Class
- RingDefinition Class
- RingDefinitionCollection Class
- Runtime Class
- SkinStyleInfo Class
- Slider Class
- SliderBase Class
- SpinEdit Class
- SplitButton Class
- SplitLineHeightConverter Class
- SplitView Class
- StaticMaskedEditSegment Class
- TabControl Class
- TabItem Class
- TabItemCloseEventArgs Class
- TabItemEventArgs Class
- TemplatePresenter Class
- ThemeManager Class
- ThemeNames Class
- ThemeStyleInfo Class
- TreeView Class
- TreeViewItem Class
- UIElementHelper Class
- UnitConverter Class
- WebControl Class
- WebView Class
- WebViewHost Class
- WeekDaysCollection Class
- WindowChrome Class
- WindowCommands Class
- YearPicker Class
- Structures
- Enumerations
- Delegates
- EO.Wpf.Gauge
- EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
- EO.Wpf.Primitives
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
- JavaScript API Reference
- .NET API Reference
PickerFormat Property |
Gets or sets a string value that represents the format of the SelectedDate value. This is a dependency property.

Property Value
A string value that represents the format of the SelectedDatevalue. The default value is "d".

The DatePicker control can recognize common DateTime patterns, the following table illustrates the list of patterns supported:
Picker Format | Description |
d | Short date pattern. |
D | Long date pattern. |
f | Full date/time pattern (short time). |
F | Full date/time pattern (long time). |
g | General date/time pattern (short time). |
G | General date/time pattern (long time). |
M or m | Month/day pattern. |
O or o | Round-trip date/time pattern. |
R or r | RFC1123 pattern. |
s | Sortable date/time pattern. |
t | Short time pattern. |
T | Long time pattern. |
u | Universal sortable date/time pattern. |
U | Universal full date/time pattern. |
Y or y | Year month pattern. |
For more information on standard DateTime format string see this MSDN page.
If none of the standard DateTime format strings suit a user particular needs. A custom Picker format can be used, the following XAML usses a custom picker format values:XAML
<eo:DatePicker SelectedDate="1/1/2013" PickerFormat="yyyy -- MMM -- dd dddd" />
Specifier | Description |
d | Displays the current day of the month, measured as a number between 1 and 31, inclusive. If the day is a single digit only (1-9), then it is displayed as a single digit. |
dd | Displays the current day of the month, measured as a number between 1 and 31, inclusive. If the day is a single digit only (1-9), it is formatted with a preceding 0 (01-09). |
ddd | Displays the abbreviated name of the day for the specified DateTime. It uses the AbbreviatedDayNames list from the Language equivalent CultureInfo object. |
dddd | Displays the full name of the day for the specified DateTime. It uses the DayNames list from the Language equivalent CultureInfo object. |
M | Displays the month, measured as a number between 1 and 12, inclusive. If the month is a single digit (1-9), it is displayed as a single digit. |
MM | Displays the month, measured as a number between 1 and 12, inclusive. If the month is a single digit (1-9), it is formatted with a preceding 0 (01-09). |
MMM | Displays the abbreviated name of the month for the SelectedDate. It uses the AbbreviatedDayNames from the Language equivalent CultureInfo object. |
MMMM | Displays the full name of the month for the SelectedDate. It uses the MonthNames from the Language equivalent CultureInfo object. |
y | Displays the year for the specified DateTime as a maximum two-digit number. The first two digits of the year are omitted. If the year is a single digit (1-9), it is displayed as a single digit. |
yy | Displays the year for the specified DateTime as a maximum two-digit number. The first two digits of the year are omitted. If the year is a single digit (1-9), it is formatted with a preceding 0 (01-09). |
yyy | Displays the year for the SelectedDate, as a three-digit number. If the year is less than three digits in length, then preceding zeros are appended as necessary to make the displayed year three digits long. |
yyyy | Displays the year for the SelectedDate, including the century. If the year is less than four digits in length, then preceding zeros are appended as necessary to make the displayed year four digits long. |
yyyyy | Displays the year for the SelectedDate, as a five-digit number. If the year is less then five digits in length, then preceding zeros are appended as necessary to make the displayed year five digits long. |