Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.Wpf
- Common Topics
- Reference
- .NET API Reference
- EO.Base
- EO.Base.UI
- EO.Extensions
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Pdf.Acm
- EO.Pdf.Contents
- EO.Pdf.Drawing
- EO.Pdf.Mvc
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.WebBrowser.DOM
- EO.WebEngine
- EO.WinForm
- EO.Wpf
- EO.Wpf
- Classes
- BareButton Class
- Bitmap Class
- BitmapButton Class
- BooleanDependencyPropertyRoutedEventArgs Class
- Button Class
- Calendar Class
- CalendarDayButton Class
- CalendarMonth Class
- CancelEventArgs Class
- CheckBox Class
- ChoiceMaskedEditSegment Class
- ComboBox Class
- ComboBox Class
- ComboBox Members
- ComboBox Constructor
- Fields
- Properties
- Properties
- ClearButtonTemplate Property
- DropDownBorderStyle Property
- DropDownCollapseEffect Property
- DropDownExpandEffect Property
- DropDownMaxHeight Property
- DropDownMaxItemCount Property
- DropDownMaxWidth Property
- DropDownMinHeight Property
- DropDownMinWidth Property
- EmptyPrompt Property
- FooterTemplate Property
- HeaderTemplate Property
- IsDropDownOpen Property
- IsEditable Property
- IsReadOnly Property
- IsSelectedItemsDropDownOpen Property
- IsSelectionBoxHighlighted Property
- MoreItemsButtonTemplate Property
- MultiSelectionItemTemplate Property
- SelectedItems Property
- SelectionBoxItem Property
- SelectionBoxItemStringFormat Property
- SelectionBoxItemTemplate Property
- ShowCheckBoxes Property
- ShowClearButton Property
- ShowFooter Property
- ShowHeader Property
- StaysOpenOnEdit Property
- Text Property
- Events
- ComboBoxItem Class
- DatePicker Class
- DateRangeCollection Class
- DateRangeCollectionConverter Class
- DockContainer Class
- DockItem Class
- DockItemClosingEventArgs Class
- DockItemCollection Class
- DockItemEventArgs Class
- DockItemNeededEventArgs Class
- DockView Class
- DockViewCollection Class
- DockViewCommands Class
- DockViewEventArgs Class
- DockViewNeededEventArgs Class
- DocumentItem Class
- DropDown Class
- DropDownButton Class
- DropDownService Class
- EditItemEventArgs Class
- Effect Class
- EffectManager Class
- Expander Class
- ItemDragEventArgs Class
- ItemDragOverEventArgs Class
- ItemDropEventArgs Class
- ItemsControlHelper Class
- LinkButton Class
- ListBox Class
- ListBoxItem Class
- MaskedEdit Class
- MaskedEditSegment Class
- MaskMaskedEditSegment Class
- Menu Class
- MenuBase Class
- MenuItem Class
- MonthPicker Class
- MultiplyConverter Class
- NamedResourceKey Class
- NegationConverter Class
- NewItemRequestedEventArgs Class
- NumericMaskedEditSegment Class
- OpacityConverter Class
- PatternMaskedEditSegment Class
- PdfViewer Class
- ProgressBar Class
- RadialPanel Class
- RadioButton Class
- RangeSlider Class
- RegexMaskedEditSegment Class
- RingDefinition Class
- RingDefinitionCollection Class
- Runtime Class
- SkinStyleInfo Class
- Slider Class
- SliderBase Class
- SpinEdit Class
- SplitButton Class
- SplitLineHeightConverter Class
- SplitView Class
- StaticMaskedEditSegment Class
- TabControl Class
- TabItem Class
- TabItemCloseEventArgs Class
- TabItemEventArgs Class
- TemplatePresenter Class
- ThemeManager Class
- ThemeNames Class
- ThemeStyleInfo Class
- TreeView Class
- TreeViewItem Class
- UIElementHelper Class
- UnitConverter Class
- WebControl Class
- WebView Class
- WebViewHost Class
- WeekDaysCollection Class
- WindowChrome Class
- WindowCommands Class
- YearPicker Class
- Structures
- Enumerations
- Delegates
- EO.Wpf.Gauge
- EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
- EO.Wpf.Primitives
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
- JavaScript API Reference
- .NET API Reference
DropDownMaxItemCount Property |
Gets or sets the maximum items to be displayed in the dropdown.

If both DropDownMaxItemCount and DropDownMaxHeight are set, DropDownMaxItemCount takes priority over DropDownMaxHeight. Also the value of this property is suggestive in nature --- the ComboBox may not be able to honor this value sometimes. For example, if different items have different height, then as user scrolls the drop down list, the number of visible items will change, thus making maintain a fixed number of visible items impossible.