Table of Contents
EngineOptions Properties

The properties of the EngineOptions class are listed below. For a complete list of EngineOptions class members, see the EngineOptions Members topic.

Name Description
BypassUserGestureCheckObsolete. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass user gesture check.
CachePath Gets or sets the cache path.
CustomUserAgent Gets or sets custom user agent.
Default Gets the default engine options.
DisableBuiltInPlugInsObsolete. Gets or sets a value to disable the built-in PDF plugin.
DisableGPUObsolete. Gets or sets whether to disable GPU.
DisableSpellCheckerObsolete. Gets or sets a value to whether disable the built-in spell checker.
EOAPIVarName Gets or sets the name of the "eoapi" JavaScript variable.
ExtraCommandLineArgs Gets or sets the additional command line arguments to be passed to the Chrome browser engine.
GoogleAPIKey Gets or sets Google API key.
GoogleClientID Gets or sets Google client ID.
GoogleClientSecret Gets or sets Google client secret.
PreinstalledPluginsDir Gets or sets the folder that contains pre-installed plugins.
Proxy Gets or sets the proxy information to be used by all WebViews.
RemoteDebugAnyAddress Gets or sets whether the remote debug server should accept connection from any address.
RemoteDebugPort Gets or sets the remote debug port.
SpellCheckLanguages Gets or sets languages used by the built-in spell checker.
UILanguage Gets or sets the UI language to be used in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2.
See Also