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CursorType Enumeration

Specifies the type of the cursor.

Namespace: EO.WebEngine
Assembly: EO.WebEngine (in EO.WebEngine.dll)

 public enum CursorType
Member Name Description
Auto The browser determines the cursor to display based on the current context.
Default Default cursor, typically an arrow.
None No cursor is rendered.
Help ndicating help is available.
Pointer E.g. used when hovering over links, typically a hand.
Progress The program is busy in the background but the user can still interact with the interface (unlike for wait).
Wait The program is busy (sometimes an hourglass or a watch).
CrossHair Cross cursor, often used to indicate selection in a bitmap.
Text Indicating text can be selected, typically an I-beam.
VerticalText Indicating that vertical text can be selected, typically a sideways I-beam.
Alias Indicating an alias or shortcut is to be created.
Copy Indicating that something can be copied.
Move The hovered object may be moved.
NotAllowed Cursor showing that something cannot be done.
ColResize The item/column can be resized horizontally. Often rendered as arrows pointing left and right with a vertical bar separating.
RowResize The item/row can be resized vertically. Often rendered as arrows pointing up and down with a horizontal bar separating them.
EWResize East-west resize.
NSResize North-south resize.
NESWResize North east to south west resize.
NWSEResize North west to south east resize.
ZoomIn Zoom in.
ZoomOut Zoom out.
Grab Indicates that something can be grabbed.
Custom Custom cursor.
See Also