Table of Contents
WebView Events

The events of the WebView class are listed below. For a complete list of WebView class members, see the WebView Members topic.

Name Description
Activate Occurs when this WebView is activated.
AfterPrint Occurs after a print task has completed or was canceled.
AfterReceiveHeaders Occurs after the headers have been received from the server.
BeforeContextMenu Occurs before a context menu is displayed.
BeforeDownload Occurs before a download begins.
BeforeNavigate Occurs before this WebView navigates to another page.
BeforePrint Triggered before a print task begins.
BeforeRequestLoad Occurs before a request is to be loaded.
BeforeSendHeaders Occurs before the headers are sent to the server.
CanGoBackChanged Occurs when CanGoBack is changed.
CanGoForwardChanged Occurs when CanGoForward is changed.
CertificateError Occurs when the browser engines encounters a certificate error.
Closed Occurs when the WebView is closed.
Closing Occurs when the WebView is about to close.
Command Occurs when a command is to be executed.
ConsoleMessage Occurs when the web page outputs a console message.
ContextMenuDismissed Occurs after a context menu was dismissed.
Disposed (inherited from Component) 
DownloadCanceled Occurs when a download has been canceled.
DownloadCompleted Occurs when a download has completed.
DownloadUpdated Occurs to provide updated download information.
FaviconChanged Occurs when Favicon has changed.
FileDialog Occurs when the browser engine needs to display a "Browse File" or "Save File" dialog.
FocusedNodeChanged Occurs when the focused node changed.
FullScreenModeChanged Triggers when the WebView enters or leaves full screen mode.
GiveFocus Occurs when this WebView wish to give up focus.
GotFocus Occurs when this WebView received the keyboard focus.
IsLoadingChanged Occurs when IsLoading is changed.
IsReadyChanged Occurs when IsReady has changed.
JSDialog Occurs when the browser engine needs to display a JavaScript dialog.
JSExtInvoke Occurs when JavaScript code calls an extension function.
KeyDown Triggers when a key is pressed.
KeyUp Triggers when a key is released.
LaunchUrl Occurs when the browser needs to launch an external Url.
LoadCompleted Occurs when a page has loaded successfully.
LoadFailed Occurs when a page has failed to load.
MouseClick Occurs when the WebView is clicked by the mouse.
MouseDoubleClick Occurs when the WebView is double clicked by the mouse.
MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the WebView and a mouse button is pressed.
MouseEnter Occurs when mouse enters this WebView.
MouseLeave Occurs when mouse leaves this WebView.
MouseMove Occurs when mouse moves inside this WebView.
MouseUp Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the WebView and a mouse button is released.
NeedClientCertificate Raised when the server requires a client certificate.
NeedCredentials Occurs when this WebView needs a user name and password in order to access a page.
NewWindow Occurs when this WebView opens a new window.
RenderUnresponsive Occurs when the render process becomes unresponsive.
RequestPermissions Occurs when the web page requests a specific permission from the user.
ScriptTaskDone Occurs when the a ScriptTask has been executed.
ShouldForceDownload Occurs for every response once the MIME type is known to allow user to force the request as a download.
StatusMessageChanged Occurs when the status message changes.
TitleChanged Occurs when the page title changes.
UrlChanged Occurs when Url is changed.
ZoomFactorChanged Occurs when the zoom factor has changed.
See Also