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JSInvokeResult Enumeration

Gets the result code of a JavaScript call.

Namespace: EO.WebBrowser
Assembly: EO.WebBrowser (in EO.WebBrowser.dll)

 public enum JSInvokeResult
Member Name Description
OK The call completed sucessfully.
InvalidContext The JavaScript context is not ready, for example, the browser engine is still initializaing the window and is not ready to execute JavaScript code yet. Check CanEvalScript property before calling JavaScript code to avoid this error.
InvalidObject One of the JSObject passed in is invalid. For example, if you pass a JSObject returned by one WebView to another WebView.
InvalidChannel The call failed because it is unable to communicate with the browser engine. For example, if you try to call JavaScript when the WebView is being destroyed.
InvalidFunction The function to be called is not valid or does not exist. For example, if you try to call InvokeFunction with an invalid function name.
JSException An exception is thrown by the JavaScript code called.
WebViewDestroyed The WebView has been destroyed before the script can finishes.
UnsafeContext A potentially unsafe situation for evaluating JavaScript was detected. It is not safe to evaluate JavaScript inside certain WebView event handler. Check CanEvalScript property before calling JavaScript code to avoid this error.
See Also