Name |
Description |
 | Adapter (inherited from Control) | |
 | AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) | |
 | Attributes (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | AutoSelectSource (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies how navigation control automatically selects navigation items. |
 | AutoSelectTarget (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies options on how to highlight a navigation item which points to currently browsing page. |
 | BackColor (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets background color of top level group. |
 | Bindings (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets a collection of bindings that map fields of the data source to the properties of the item. |
 | BorderColor (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets border color of top level group. |
 | BorderImages (inherited from WebControl) | Provides a list of images used to create customized borders for the control. |
 | BorderStyle (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets border style of top level group. |
 | BorderWidth (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets border width of top level group. |
 | CausesValidation (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets a boolean indicates if clicking an item causes validation to be performed on any controls that require validation. |
 | CheckIconUrl (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the Url of the image used to be displayed on the left side of a navigation item when the item's Checked property is true. |
 | ChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientID (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientIDMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientIDSeparator (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientSideOnError (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when an error occurs on client side. |
 | ClientSideOnEvalVar (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when a variable needs to be evaluated in a client template. |
 | ClientSideOnGroupCollapsed (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when a navigation group has just collapsed. |
 | ClientSideOnGroupExpand (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when a navigation group is about to expand. |
 | ClientSideOnItemClick (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when a navigation item is clicked. |
 | ClientSideOnItemMouseDown (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when user clicks the mouse on a navigation item. |
 | ClientSideOnItemMouseOut (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when mouse leaves a navigation item. |
 | ClientSideOnItemMouseOver (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when mouse moves over a navigation item. |
 | ClientSideOnLoad (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control is loaded on the client side. |
 | ClientSideOnMessage (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control displays a message. |
 | ClientSideOnMouseOut (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies the name of the client side JavaScript function to be executed when the mouse cursor leaves the control. |
 | ClientSideOnUnload (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control is unloaded on the client side. |
 | CollapseDelay | Gets or sets the duration between mouse leaves a submenu and the submenu collapses. |
 | Context (inherited from Control) | |
 | Controls (inherited from Control) | |
 | ControlSkinID (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the ID of the skin used by this control. |
 | ControlStyle (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | ControlStyleCreated (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | CssBlock (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the CSS style definition used by this control. |
 | CssClass (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to top level group. |
 | CssFile (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the path of an external CSS file that provides CSS styles used by this control. |
 | DataFields (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies a list of fields used during data binding when binding to an ADO.NET data object. Use '|' to separate multiple fields. |
 | DataItem (inherited from DataBoundControl) | The current data item during data binding. |
 | DataItemContainer (inherited from Control) | |
 | DataKeysContainer (inherited from Control) | |
 | DataSource (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets a data source used to populate navigation items. |
 | DataSourceID (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the ID of this control's data source object. Used in .NET 2.0 only. |
 | DataTable (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the name of the DataTable object when DataSource is a DataSet. |
 | DesignMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | DesignOptions (inherited from WebControl) | Contains options used for design time preview. |
 | Enabled (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | EnableKeyboardNavigation (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether keyboard navigation should be enabled. |
 | EnableScrolling (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the value indicating whether scrolling is enabled. |
 | EnableTheming (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | EnableViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | Events (inherited from Control) | |
 | ExpandDelay | Gets or sets the delay time between mouse positions over a menu item and submenu expands. |
 | ExpandOnClick | Gets or sets the value indicating whether submenu should expand on mouse click event or mouse over event. |
 | ForceSSL (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server should work as if it were always running on a secure server (https). |
 | ForeColor (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets foreground color of top level group. |
 | HasAttributes (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | HideRoleDisabledItems (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets a value indicating to hide or disable navigation items based on roles. |
 | ID (inherited from Control) | |
 | IdSeparator (inherited from Control) | |
 | ImageBaseDirectory (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets the folder that contains images for the control. |
 | IsChildControlStateCleared (inherited from Control) | |
 | IsEnabled (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | IsViewStateEnabled (inherited from Control) | |
 | Items | Returns a collection of top level menu items. |
 | KeepExpandedOnClick | Gets or sets the value indicating whether a submenu should keep expanded after a menu item is clicked. |
 | LoadViewStateByID (inherited from Control) | |
 | LookItems | Returns a collection of "Look" items. |
 | MultiPageID (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the ID of the associated MultiPage control. |
 | NamingContainer (inherited from Control) | |
 | Orientation (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the orientation of top level group. |
 | Parent (inherited from Control) | |
 | PathSeparator (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the character used to delimit the path of an item in a navigation control. |
 | RaisesServerEvent (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets a boolean indicates if a server side postback ItemClick event should be raised when an item is clicked. Default value is false. |
 | RenderingCompatibility (inherited from Control) | |
 | RightToLeft (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should renders as right to left. |
 | SaveStateCrossPages (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the value indicating whether control state should be saved across pages. |
 | ScrollDownLookID (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the look ID for down scroller. |
 | ScrollSpeed (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Specifies a scroll speed when scrolling is enabled. |
 | ScrollUpLookID (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the look ID for upper scroller. |
 | Shortcut (inherited from WebControl) | Get a Shortcut object through which you can get or set the keyboard short cut for this control. |
 | Site (inherited from Control) | |
 | SkinID (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | StateCookieName (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the name of the cookie that is used to save control state across pages. |
 | Style (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | SubMenuIconUrl | Gets or sets the Url string for the default icon displayed on a menu item to indicate this item has submenu. |
 | SubMenuPositionConfine | Gets or sets how the screen position of a submenu is aligned so that the submenu is displayed within a certain boundary. |
 | SupportsDisabledAttribute (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TabIndex (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TagKey (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TagName (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TargetFrame | Gets or sets the name of the target frame in which all sub menu appears. |
 | TargetWindow (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the target window to display NavigateUrl. |
 | TemplateControl (inherited from Control) | |
 | TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) | |
 | ToolTip (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TopGroup | Gets the top level menu group. |
 | TopLevelItemAlign (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Gets or sets the value to specify how navigation items in top level horizontal group are aligned. Applies to navigation control that has horizontal style (e.g, a horizontal menu) only. |
 | UniqueID (inherited from Control) | |
 | ValidateRequestMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | ViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) | |
 | ViewStateMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | Visible (inherited from Control) | |
 | Width (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | XmlFile (inherited from BaseNavigator) | Used to support binding the control to XML data source on .NET 1.1. |