Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.Wpf
- Common Topics
- Reference
- .NET API Reference
- EO.Base
- EO.Base.UI
- EO.Extensions
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Pdf.Acm
- EO.Pdf.Contents
- EO.Pdf.Drawing
- EO.Pdf.Mvc
- EO.Web
- EO.Web
- Classes
- Structures
- Enumerations
- BackgroundRepeat Enumeration
- CalendarSwapStyle Enumeration
- CalendarTitleTemplateScope Enumeration
- CalendarWeekNumberBase Enumeration
- CallbackPanelUpdateMode Enumeration
- CallbackQueueMode Enumeration
- CaptchaCharSet Enumeration
- CaptchaImageStorage Enumeration
- CaptchaNoiseLevel Enumeration
- CheckState Enumeration
- ColorModel Enumeration
- DatePickerPopupTrigger Enumeration
- DialogState Enumeration
- DragDropScope Enumeration
- EditorMode Enumeration
- EditorPasteFilter Enumeration
- EditorToolBarSet Enumeration
- EffectType Enumeration
- ExpandDirection Enumeration
- ExpandOnClickState Enumeration
- FloaterGlideMode Enumeration
- FloaterScrollMode Enumeration
- GridColumnDataType Enumeration
- ImageZoomEffectType Enumeration
- ImageZoomPosition Enumeration
- LineBreakMode Enumeration
- MaskedEditSegmentType Enumeration
- MenuItemImages.ImageMode Enumeration
- ModifierKeys Enumeration
- MsgBoxButtonType Enumeration
- NavigationItemSearchOptions Enumeration
- NavigatorAutoSelectSource Enumeration
- NavigatorAutoSelectTarget Enumeration
- Orientation Enumeration
- OverlapAlign Enumeration
- OverlapDirection Enumeration
- RatingPrecision Enumeration
- ReadingDirection Enumeration
- RunningMode Enumeration
- ScrollBars Enumeration
- SlideMenuEffect Enumeration
- SliderTickPosition Enumeration
- SortOrder Enumeration
- SplitterButtonAlignment Enumeration
- SplitterPaneState Enumeration
- SubMenuIconSource Enumeration
- SubMenuPositionConfine Enumeration
- ToolBarItemTextAlign Enumeration
- ToolBarItemType Enumeration
- ToolTipAnimation Enumeration
- TopLevelItemAlign Enumeration
- TreeViewSingleExpandMode Enumeration
- Delegates
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.WebBrowser.DOM
- EO.WebEngine
- EO.WinForm
- EO.Wpf
- EO.Wpf.Gauge
- EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
- EO.Wpf.Primitives
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
- JavaScript API Reference
- .NET API Reference
EffectType Enumeration |
Specifies the effect type.
Assembly: EO.Web (in EO.Web.dll)

public enum EffectType

Member Name | Description |
None | Applies no effect. |
NotSet | The effect value is not set. |
GlideTopToBottom | Glides the submenu from top to bottom. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideBottomToTop | Glides the submenu from bottom to top. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideLeftToRight | Glides the submenu from left to right. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideRightToLeft | Glides the submenu from right to left. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideTopLeftToBottomRight | Glides the submenu from top left corner to bottom right corner. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideTopRightToBottomLeft | Glides the submenu from top right corner to bottom left corner. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideBottomRightToTopLeft | Glides the submenu from bottom right corner to top left corner. Applies to all browsers. |
GlideBottomLeftToTopRight | Glides the submenu from bottom left corner to top right corner. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealTopToBottom | Reveals the submenu from top to bottom. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealBottomToTop | Reveals the submenu from bottom to top. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealLeftToRight | Reveals the submenu from left to right. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealRightToLeft | Reveals the submenu from right to left. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealTopLeftToBottomRight | Reveals the submenu from top left corner to bottom right corner. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealTopRightToBottomLeft | Reveals the submenu from top right corner to bottom left corner. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealBottomRightToTopLeft | Reveals the submenu from bottom right corner to top left corner. Applies to all browsers. |
RevealBottomLeftToTopRight | Reveals the submenu from bottom left corner to top right corner. Applies to all browsers. |
BarnOutHorizontal | Reveals the submenu from the center toward the borders horizontally. Applies to IE only. |
BarnOutVertical | Reveals the submenu from the center toward the borders vertically. Applies to IE only. |
BarnInHorizontal | Reveals the submenu from the borders toward the center horizontally. Applies to IE only. |
BarnInVertical | Reveals the submenu from the borders toward the center vertically. Applies to IE only. |
BlindsUp | Reveals the submenu with a motion that appears to open blinds upwards. Applies to IE only. |
BlindsDown | Reveals the submenu with a motion that appears to open blinds downwards. Applies to IE only. |
BlindsLeft | Reveals the submenu with a motion that appears to open blinds to the left. Applies to IE only. |
BlindsRight | Reveals the submenu with a motion that appears to open blinds to the right. Applies to IE only. |
CheckerBoardUp | Reveals the submenu uncovering squares placed like a checkerboard upwards. Applies to IE only. |
CheckerBoardDown | Reveals the submenu uncovering squares placed like a checkerboard downwards. Applies to IE only. |
CheckerBoardLeft | Reveals the submenu uncovering squares placed like a checkerboard towards left. Applies to IE only. |
CheckerBoardRight | Reveals the submenu uncovering squares placed like a checkerboard towards right. Applies to IE only. |
Fade | Reveals the submenu by fading out the original submenu. Applies to IE only. |
GradientWipeUp | Reveals the submenu by passing a gradient band upwards over the original content. Applies to IE only. |
GradientWipeDown | Reveals the submenu by passing a gradient band downwards over the original content. Applies to IE only. |
GradientWipeLeft | Reveals the submenu by passing a gradient band to the left over the original content. Applies to IE only. |
GradientWipeRight | Reveals the submenu by passing a gradient band to the right over the original content. Applies to IE only. |
Inset | Reveals the submenu diagonally. Applies to IE only. |
IrisDiamondOut | Reveals submenu from center toward the borders the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, with shape of diamond. Applies to IE only. |
IrisDiamondIn | Reveals submenu from borders toward the center the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, with shape of diamond. Applies to IE only. |
IrisCircleOut | Reveals submenu from center toward the borders the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, with shape of circular. Applies to IE only. |
IrisCircleIn | Reveals submenu from border toward the center the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, with shape of circular. Applies to IE only. |
IrisCrossOut | Reveals submenu from center toward the borders the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in X shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisCrossIn | Reveals submenu from the borders toward the center the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in X shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisPlusOut | Reveals submenu from center toward the borders the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in plus sign shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisPlusIn | Reveals submenu from the borders toward the center the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in plus sign shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisSquareOut | Reveals submenu from the center toward the borders the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in square shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisSquareIn | Reveals submenu from the border toward the center the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in square shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisStarOut | Reveals submenu from the center toward the borders the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in star shape. Applies to IE only. |
IrisStarIn | Reveals submenu from the border toward the center the way similar to the opening of a camera aperture, in star shape. Applies to IE only. |
Pixelate | Reveals the submenu as colored squares that take the average color value of the pixels they replace. Applies to IE only. |
RadialWipeClock | Reveals submenu with a radial wipe, like a windshield-wiper blade sweeping around the center, clockwise from the top. Applies to IE only. |
RadialWipeWedge | Reveals submenu with a radial wipe, like a windshield-wiper blade sweeping around the center in both directions from the top. Applies to IE only. |
RadialWipeRadial | Reveals submenu with a radial wipe, sweeping from the top to the left side, with one end of the sweep anchored on the upper left corner. Applies to IE only. |
RandomBarsHorizontal | Reveals submenu by exposing horizontal random lines of pixels. Applies to IE only. |
RandomBarsVertical | Reveals submenu by exposing vertical random lines of pixels. Applies to IE only. |
RandomDissolve | Reveals submenu by exposing random pixels. Applies to IE only. |
SlideHide | Slides submenu by pushing original content out, exposing new content. Applies to IE only. |
SlidePush | Slides submenu by getting new content in, pushing original content out. Applies to IE only. |
SlideSwap | Alternating bands expose new content, or push original content out, at the same time. Applies to IE only. |
Spiral | Reveals submenu with a spiral motion. Applies to IE only. |
StretchHide | Reveals submenu by stretching new content from left to right. Applies to IE only. |
StretchPush | Reveals submenu by stretching new content in and squeezes original content out, moving from left to right. Applies to IE only. |
StretchSpin | Reveals submenu by stretching new content over original content from the center outward. Applies to IE only. |
StripsLeftUp | Reveals submenu by moving successive strips into place from the lower left corner to the upper right, like a diagonal saw blade passing across the original content. Applies to IE only. |
StripsLeftDown | Reveals submenu by moving successive strips into place from the upper left corner to the lower right, like a diagonal saw blade passing across the original content. Applies to IE only. |
StripsRightUp | Reveals submenu by moving successive strips into place from the lower right corner to the upper left, like a diagonal saw blade passing across the original content. Applies to IE only. |
StripsRightDown | Reveals submenu by moving successive strips into place from the upper right corner to the lower left, like a diagonal saw blade passing across the original content. Applies to IE only. |
Wheel | Reveals submenu with a rotating motion, like spokes of a wheel covering the original content. Applies to IE only. |
Zigzag | Reveals submenu with a forward and back motion that moves down the object. Applies to IE only. |