Name |
Description |
 | AbbreviatedDayNames (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies an array of strings containing the culture-specific abbreviated names of the days in a week, started from Sunday. |
 | AbbreviatedMonthNames (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies an array of strings containing the culture-specific abbreviated names of the months, started from January. |
 | AccessKey (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | Adapter (inherited from Control) | |
 | AllowMultiSelect (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a boolean value to allow multiple selection on client side. |
 | AMDesignator | Gets or sets the A.M. designator. |
 | AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) | |
 | Attributes (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | AutoPostbackOnScroll (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies if Calendar should raise postback Scroll event to server when Calendar switches current month. |
 | AutoPostbackOnSelect (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies if Calendar should raise postback SelectionChanged event to server when a day is selected. |
 | BorderImages (inherited from WebControl) | Provides a list of images used to create customized borders for the control. |
 | CalendarStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets the style properties for the Calendar control. |
 | ChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientID (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientIDMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientIDSeparator (inherited from Control) | |
 | ClientSideOnBlur | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when calendar loses focus. |
 | ClientSideOnChange (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when current selected date changes. |
 | ClientSideOnError (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when an error occurs on client side. |
 | ClientSideOnEvalVar (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when a variable needs to be evaluated in a client template. |
 | ClientSideOnFocus | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when calendar receives focus. |
 | ClientSideOnLoad (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control is loaded on the client side. |
 | ClientSideOnMessage (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control displays a message. |
 | ClientSideOnScroll (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when calendar switches to another month. |
 | ClientSideOnSelect (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when end user selects a day by clicking on the day cell in browser. |
 | ClientSideOnUnload (inherited from WebControlBase) | Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control is unloaded on the client side. |
 | Context (inherited from Control) | |
 | Controls (inherited from Control) | |
 | ControlSkinID (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the ID of the skin used by this control. |
 | ControlStyle (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | ControlStyleCreated (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | CssBlock (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the CSS style definition used by this control. |
 | CssFile (inherited from WebControl) | Specifies the path of an external CSS file that provides CSS styles used by this control. |
 | DataItemContainer (inherited from Control) | |
 | DataKeysContainer (inherited from Control) | |
 | DayCellHeight (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the height (in pixel) of a day cell. |
 | DayCellSpacing (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the space (in pixel) between each day cell. This property is ignored if GridLineVisible property is true. |
 | DayCellWidth (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the width (in pixel) of a day cell. |
 | DayHeaderFormat (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies which format of day name to display in day header area. |
 | DayHeaderStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting for day header area. |
 | DayHeaderVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Use this property to specify if day header area is visible for each month. |
 | DayHoverStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of a day cell when mouse is positioned over it. |
 | DayNames (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies an array of strings containing the culture-specific full names of the days of the week, started from Sunday. |
 | DayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance settings for a day cell. |
 | DesignMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | DesignOptions (inherited from WebControl) | Contains options used for design time preview. |
 | DisabledDates (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a collection of dates to which DisabledDayStyle will be applied. |
 | DisabledDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of day cells that belong to DisabledDates. |
 | DisableTextBox | Gets or sets whether the text box should be disabled. |
 | DisableWeekendDays (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a boolean value to enable/disable weekend day cells. |
 | Enabled (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | EnableKeyboardNavigation (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether keyboard navigation should be enabled. |
 | EnableOtherMonthDays (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a boolean value to enable/disable day cells that do not belong to the current month. |
 | EnableTheming (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | EnableViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | Events (inherited from Control) | |
 | FirstDayOfWeek (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies which day in a week should be displayed as the first day of the week. |
 | FirstMonth (inherited from Calendar) | FirstMonth and LastMonth define the visible date range for the calendar. The calendar does not display dates beyond the specified range. |
 | FooterTemplate (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies any customized HTML to be displayed in a calendar's footer area. |
 | ForceSSL (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server should work as if it were always running on a secure server (https). |
 | GridLineColor (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the color of grid lines that separate each day cell in a month. |
 | GridLineFrameVisible (inherited from Calendar) | When GridLineVisible is true, use this property to show/hide the frame of grid lines for each month. |
 | GridLineVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies if grid lines that separate each day cell in a month is visible. |
 | HasAttributes (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | ID (inherited from Control) | |
 | IdSeparator (inherited from Control) | |
 | ImageBaseDirectory (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets the folder that contains images for the control. |
 | IsChildControlStateCleared (inherited from Control) | |
 | IsEnabled (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | IsViewStateEnabled (inherited from Control) | |
 | LastMonth (inherited from Calendar) | FirstMonth and LastMonth define the visible date range for the calendar. The calendar does not display dates beyond the specified range. |
 | LoadViewStateByID (inherited from Control) | |
 | MaxValidDate (inherited from Calendar) | MinValidDate and MaxValidDate define the valid range for the calendar. Days that are out of this range will apply OutOfRangeDayStyle or DisabledDayStyle. |
 | MinValidDate (inherited from Calendar) | MinValidDate and MaxValidDate define the valid range for the calendar. Days that are out of this range will apply OutOfRangeDayStyle or DisabledDayStyle. |
 | MonthColumns (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies number of month columns displayed in the Calendar. |
 | MonthGridLineColor (inherited from Calendar) | When MonthGridLineVisible property is true, use this property to specify the color of grid line. |
 | MonthGridLineFrameVisible (inherited from Calendar) | When MonthGridLineVisible property is true, use this property to show/hide the frame of grid lines. |
 | MonthGridLineVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Use this property to show/hide the grid lines that separate month cell in a multi-month calendar. |
 | MonthNames (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies an array of strings containing the culture-specific names of the months, started from January. |
 | MonthRows (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the number of month rows displayed in the Calendar. |
 | MonthSelectorHtml (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the html to display for the month selector. |
 | MonthSelectorImageHeight (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the height (in pixel) of the month selector image which is specified by MonthSelectorImageUrl. |
 | MonthSelectorImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the url of the month selector image. |
 | MonthSelectorImageWidth (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the width (in pixel) of the month selector image which is specified by MonthSelectorImageUrl. |
 | MonthSelectorStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance style of the month selector. |
 | MonthSelectorVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies if month selector is visible. Month selector is used to select the whole month. |
 | MonthStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies appearance style for area that displays month. |
 | MonthTitleStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance settings for month title area. Applies to Calendar with multiple month |
 | MonthTitleVisible (inherited from Calendar) | When a Calendar displayes multiple months in one page, use this property to specify if month title area is visible for each month. |
 | MultiSelectModifier (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets the modifier key for selecting multiple dates in the Calendar. |
 | NamingContainer (inherited from Control) | |
 | OtherMonthDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | When OtherMonthDayVisible is true, use this property to specify the appearance for day cells that do not belong to current month. |
 | OtherMonthDayVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a boolean value to show/hide day cells that do not belong to current month. |
 | OutOfRangeDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting for day cells which dates are either before MinValidDate or after MaxValidDate. |
 | Parent (inherited from Control) | |
 | PickerFormat | Specifies the format of the selected dates to display on the picker TextBox. |
 | PickerHint | Specifies the string initially displays in the TextBox that receives the selected date. Date format string is commonly used as PickerHint. |
 | PickerStyle | Specifies the CSS style of the TextBox which is used to display the selected dates from the PopupCalendar. |
 | PMDesignator | Gets or sets the P.M. designator. |
 | PopupCollapseEffect (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the Effect object that controls the effect to collapse the calendar. |
 | PopupDownImageUrl | Specifies the URL of the image to display when mouse is pressed down over the button. The button is used to trigger the PopupCalendar to display. |
 | PopupExpandDirection (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the direction to which the calendar displays. |
 | PopupExpandEffect (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the Effect object that controls the effect to expand the calendar. |
 | PopupHoverImageUrl | Specifies the URL of the image to display when mouse is position over the button. The button is used to trigger the PopupCalendar to display. |
 | PopupImageHeight | Specifies the height of the image to display on the button when mouse is pressed down over the button. The button is used to trigger the PopupCalendar to display. |
 | PopupImageUrl | Specifies the URL of the image displayed on the button. The button is used to trigger the PopupCalendar to display. |
 | PopupImageVisible | Specifies if the button to display the PopupCalendar is visible. |
 | PopupImageWidth | Specifies the width of the image to display on the button when mouse is pressed down over the button. The button is used to trigger the PopupCalendar to display. |
 | PopupOffsetX (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the horizontal offset of the position to display this PopupCalendar. |
 | PopupOffsetY (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the vertical offset of the position to display this PopupCalendar. |
 | PopupShadowColor (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the color of this calendar popup. If not set, default color(gray) is used. |
 | PopupShadowDepth (inherited from PopupCalendar) | Specifies the depth (in pixel) of the calendar popup. If not set, default value(3px) is used. |
 | PopupTrigger | Gets or sets which action triggers the date picker popup. |
 | RenderingCompatibility (inherited from Control) | |
 | RightToLeft (inherited from WebControl) | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should renders as right to left. |
 | SelectedDate (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a date to which SelectedDayStyle will be applied. |
 | SelectedDates (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a collection of dates to which SelectedDayStyle will be applied. |
 | SelectedDateString (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets a date in as a string rather as a DateTime. |
 | SelectedDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of day cells that belong to SelectedDates. |
 | Shortcut (inherited from WebControl) | Get a Shortcut object through which you can get or set the keyboard short cut for this control. |
 | Site (inherited from Control) | |
 | SkinID (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | Style (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | SupportsDisabledAttribute (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | SwapDuration (inherited from Calendar) | Defines the duration (in milliseconds) when calender switches one month to another month. |
 | SwapStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the style when calender switches one month to another month. |
 | TabIndex (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TagKey (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TagName (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | TemplateControl (inherited from Control) | |
 | TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) | |
 | TitleArrowDownStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the style of "next" and "previous" arrows displayed on title area when mouse button is pressed down on the arrows. |
 | TitleArrowHoverStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the style of "next" and "previous" arrows displayed on title area when mouse positions over the arrows. |
 | TitleArrowImageHeight (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the height (in pixel) for "next" and "previous" arrows displayed on title area. |
 | TitleArrowImageWidth (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the width (in pixel) for "next" and "previous" arrows displayed on title area. |
 | TitleArrowStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the style of "next" and "previous" arrows displayed on title area. |
 | TitleFormat (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets the string to specify date format to display for the title section. |
 | TitleLeftArrowDownImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the URL string that points to the arrow image displayed on the left side of the title heading area when the mouse is pressed down. |
 | TitleLeftArrowHoverImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the URL string that points to the arrow image displayed on the left side of the title heading area when the mouse is positioned over the left arrow. |
 | TitleLeftArrowHtml (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the text displayed as the left arrow on the left side of the title heading area. By default, << is used. |
 | TitleLeftArrowImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the URL string that points to the arrow image displayed on the left side of the title heading area. |
 | TitleRangeSeparator (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the string used to separate the currently displaying month range for the title area. |
 | TitleRightArrowDownImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the URL string that points to the arrow image displayed on the right side of the title heading area when mouse is pressed down. |
 | TitleRightArrowHoverImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the URL string that points to the arrow image displayed on the right side of the title heading area when mouse is pressed down. |
 | TitleRightArrowHtml (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the text displayed as the left arrow on the right side of the title heading area. By default, >> is used. |
 | TitleRightArrowImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the URL string that points to the arrow image displayed on the right side of the title heading area. |
 | TitleStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets style properties of title area for a Calendar control. |
 | TitleTemplate (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies any customized HTML to be displayed in a calendar's title area. |
 | TitleTemplateScope (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies whether TitleTemplate is applied for the whole title area or the title text only. |
 | TitleVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets whether the title section of the Calendar control is visible. |
 | TodayHoverStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of the day cell that represents today when mouse is positioned over it. |
 | TodayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of the day cell that represents today. |
 | ToolTip (inherited from WebControl) | |
 | UniqueID (inherited from Control) | |
 | ValidateRequestMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | ViewState (inherited from Control) | |
 | ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) | |
 | ViewStateMode (inherited from Control) | |
 | Visible (inherited from Control) | |
 | VisibleDate (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets the date that specifies the first month to display in a Calendar control. |
 | WaitMessage (inherited from Calendar) | Gets or sets the message to be displayed while the calendar calls server side DayRender event handler. |
 | WeekendDayHoverStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of weekend day cells when mouse is positioned over it. |
 | WeekendDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of weekend day cells. |
 | WeekNumberBase (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies whether the Calendar/DatePicker should display week number based on month or year. |
 | WeekSelectorHtml (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the html to display for the week selector. |
 | WeekSelectorImageHeight (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the height (in pixel) for the week selector image specified by WeekSelectorImageUrl property. |
 | WeekSelectorImageUrl (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the url of the week selector image. |
 | WeekSelectorImageWidth (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the width (in pixel) for the week selector image specified by WeekSelectorImageUrl property. |
 | WeekSelectorStyle (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies the appearance setting of week selector. |
 | WeekSelectorVisible (inherited from Calendar) | Specifies if week selector is visible. Week selector is used to select the whole week. |
 | Width | Specifies the total width in pixel of this DatePicker. |