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FinalFileList Property

Gets or sets the ID of the associated AJAXPostedFileList control.

 public String FinalFileList { get; set; }

The AJAXUploader allows user to upload multiple files and automatically maintain the temporary file list. Consider the following sequence:

  1. User uploads file A. The uploader finishes uploading, then refresh its temporary file list to include A;
  2. User uploads file B. The uploader finishes uploading, then refresh its temporary file list to include both A and B;
  3. User submits the page, the uploader moves all the files to FinalFileLocation and also trigger FileUploaded event to indicate that all files are now submitted;
  4. Since all files are now moved to FinalFileLocation, the temporary file list now becomes empty.

Sometimes it is desired to keep the final file list, instead of temporary file list. In the previous sample, file A and file B are moved from temporary file list to the final file list when the page is submitted. A separate AJAXPostedFileList can be used to maintain the final file list. In order to use this feature, place an AJAXPostedFileList in the form, then set the uploader's FinalFileList to the ID of the AJAXPostedFileList control. You can then use the AJAXPostedFileList control's Items to access all submitted files.

This feature can only be used when FinalFileLocation is set.

See Also