I really need help with this message. It is extremely random for eo.web controls. When I clean the project it goes away then randomly returns. I upgraded to version and ensured that all previous versions had been removed. Here are other things I have tried:
- Checked line in web.config:
Quote:<add assembly="EO.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=E92353A6BF73FFFC"/>
- Ensured that license in global.asax is correct for version.
- Ensured that the EO.Web.dll reference points to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Essential Objects\EO.Total 2016
- Ensured that all EO.Web and EO.Base files in the bin are
- Checked all aspx pages where the controls are in use to ensure they are properly assigned as:
Quote:<%@ Register Assembly="EO.Web" Namespace="EO.Web" TagPrefix="eo" %>
- Deleted all files from the obj folder and cleaned the solution
But the error keeps returning. What am I missing here?
Please advise.