Hello there,
Since the last chrome update it's not possible to use microphone on http:// (it only works on https);
So I tryed to add chrome flags to consider my website as secure like this :
Code: C#
EO.WebBrowser.Runtime.ExtraCommandLineArgs += " --user-data-dir=c:\\profile --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=";
Code: C#
EO.WebEngine.BrowserOptions options = new EO.WebEngine.BrowserOptions();
options.EnableWebSecurity = false;
But without any good results :(
More informations about chrome's security :
https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/chromium-security/deprecating-powerful-features-on-insecure-originsThe same flags works on chrome Version 50.0.2661.94
Best regards