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EO.Browser Random popup window error Options
Apex Networks Ltd.
Posted: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 5:35:20 AM

Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 5/8/2015
Posts: 46

Our web application is accessed by users running a .NET client which embeds your browser. One page of the web application has a javascript timer that runs every 3 seconds and polls for any new jobs, if one is available it calls a method handled in the client which plays a sound and opens a .NET form (which also contains a browser) and shows it to the user. If no jobs are available (i.e. another user dealt with them) then the form is hidden.

For performance reasons we create the popup form the first time it's needed and just hide/ show it when it's required, we log all calls to show and hide the form.

We are seeing an issue on clients machines where the form is not shown at all, even though the call is being made to show the form and the logging shows that the form is visible and the sound plays fine.

We never had any reports of this running the IE control, it's only since moving to your browser this issue has come to light so we are presuming it's something to do with the browser which we know has some issues with popup forms and the display of windows (I sent you a test project many months ago [http://www.essentialobjects.com/forum/postst9092_EO-WebBrowser-strange-issue.aspx] and the problem is still occurring on the latest builds).

We cannot reliably reproduce the issue unfortunately, it seems that sometimes restarting the client completely makes it work for a random period of time. due to the nature of the environment new jobs come in at random intervals during the day. We may be able to get you access to a PC that has the issue but I'll have to get our support department to sort that one out.

Can you look into this please as it's causing our clients some major issues where they've missed jobs and therefore lost revenue?


Posted: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 8:33:33 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,229

You mentioned that an issue we fixed several month ago is still occuring in the latest build. This might be related to your current issue. We will revisit that issue again and see what we can find. If after that the issue still occurs, then we might need you to prepare a PC for us to see the problem.


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