Yes. It is possible for you to do that. You would simply generate new output to that document. For example:
Code: C#
//Load the template file
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(your_template_file_name);
//Generate output
HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl(your_url, doc);
//Save the file
Note that you may need to make sure that your template document has enough pages. You can do so by following these steps:
1. Create your template PDF file as one page only;
2. Call ConvertUrl first on an empty PdfDocument (new PdfDocument()) object and then use the PdfDocument.Pages.Count to find out the total page numbers;
3. Use PdfDocument.Merge to produce a template file with exact the number of pages you have in step 2;
4. Call ConvertUrl on this new template file;
Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you still have any questions