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I have reviewed other topics in support but I am curious if maybe I found another issue with handling canvas images or base 64 encoded images.
In my implementation, I am generating a spider chart (implemented using chart.js) that is being included on my report. When I run the conversion of the html most of the spider chart comes through just fine.
The Problem The chart loses the labels on the different axis.
I don't currently have a way to convert the javascript charts to images in the environment that I am currently working in.
My architecture includes C# MVC, AngularJS and Chart.JS
Thank you in advance for your help on this.
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The current version of EO.Pdf only has limited support for Canvas (due to an older version of the browser engine the current version uses). So you might want to consider a SVG based chart solution. We support SVG much better than Canvas.
We are working on switch EO.Pdf to a newer browser engine and hopefully when that is done, it will have the same level of support as other popular browsers.
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Are there any recommended/supported charting tools that will work with Asp.Net and EO.Pdf ?
Is there an ETA on when EO.Pdf may support base 64 encoded images?
Thank you for your quick response.
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I believe Base64 encoded image is already supported. It's the Cavnas that can cause problem. The image is fine.
We do not know much about Charting software, however we are aware of many of our customers using HighChart, which is SVG based and it generally creates good result with our product.
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I am having problems with the base64 encoded image as well. Here is an example of the canvas and the image. Both of which lose the labels on the graph. http://soqonline.net/soq/team/radarchart?respondentId=66&respondentIds=66Labels being... from 12:00 left to right, Challenge/Involvement, Freedom, Trust/Openness etc. Thank you for recommending HighCharts, I will take a look at that this evening. Thanks again for the quick responses!!!!
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We have looked into the link. The base 64 image is fine. If you try to save the base 64 image into a separate HTML file and then convert it, you will see all the labels. However if you convert the whole Url directly, then it won't have any labels. This indicates that maybe the charting server is not generating the image with label at all because it's impossible for our HTML to PDF converter to just lose the text in a PNG image since A PNG image is just a compressed bitmap. So it is not possible for us to just not rendering the text but rendering everything else since text is just a portion of the bitmap like everything else in the image.
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Yes, I have experienced that as well. I have found a work around with these libraries which is to use a screen scraper like application to capture the image of the chart, save it to disk and then reference that in my html before conversion as the only way to get the labels. This is hacky and will not work for a production environment. Here are some other charts I have tried, with the same result that the labels are not displayed. enhanced d3.js spider chart http://bl.ocks.org/nbremer/6506614d3.js spider chart spin off https://github.com/alangrafu/radar-chart-d3HighCharts appears to work. Thank you again for looking into this as well as suggesting HighCharts.
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Thanks for the update. We will also look into this in our end to see if we can find out the root cause of why they do not render labels with our converter.
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Thank you, I ended up keeping chart.js to generate the spider chart. My workaround(hack) was to set the background image of the containing div to have labels.
I was then able to generate the report with the current spider chart on top so it looks right.
There was a bit of pixel pushing involved but it ended up coming out great.
Thanks again for all of your help!
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You are very welcome. Please feel free to let us know if there is anything else!