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EO.WebBrowser webview crash sometimes Options
Posted: Monday, April 13, 2015 7:53:31 AM
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Joined: 12/9/2014
Posts: 79

I'm working with the latest release of EO.WebBrowser (licensed version).
Version Multi-Dll

WebView sometimes crash, but no events or info.
The BeforeLoadRequest and BeforeSendHeaders fire ok, but the AfterReceiveHeaders not. No LoadFailed, closed, closing events fired.

For now, only occurs in one of my W7 Home Premium testing virtual machine, but i want detect the problem, it can repeat in one of my clients machine.

How i can debug or trace the problem?.
I try WinDBG but i dont see nothing.

For now, the problem occurs when in a new window opened, javascript change the parent URL. When i do this, the second or third try, parent webview crash when load the URL in original/parent webview.

Posted: Monday, April 13, 2015 9:28:49 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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This sounds like a bug on our end. Can you isolate the problem into a test project and send the test project to us? Please see here for test project instructions:



Posted: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:02:34 AM
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I send the test project.

Notify me if you receive and if the test project is right.

Posted: Friday, April 17, 2015 12:25:06 PM
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We have not been able to reproduce the problem with your test project. We tried both the single build version and the multi-build version. We even tried to create stressful situation such as multiple background thread running computation extensive operations so that the CPU load is always at 100%. Have you tried it on a different machine and see if it works?

Posted: Monday, April 20, 2015 3:14:52 PM
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Hi, thanks for your answer.

For now, only occurs in one of my testing machines.

Virutalbox machine. Windows 7 Home premium 32 bits.

Its not necessary a test project. I detect that the problem is not related with changing the parent URL. The problem is javascript closing new window(window.close();).

With your tabbed browser example, visit this link and wait: http://www.creative-quality.es/testeo/main.html

I create two html with javascript(setInterval and setTimeout) that automatize an "stress test". Once loaded the URL, you can see how the main.html page open a new tab automatically, and the new tab closes itself auto too.

If you wait, can see how the new tab open and closes all the time until you close the browser.

In my "problematic" test machine, your tabbed browser crash(main tab webview crash and all app close because its the last tab) after one/two/three(inconsistent) cycles(open/close new tab) after close the new tab.

In test machine, i uninstall Eo.Total and own test projects, clean temps and caches, and reinstall latest EO.Total version(2014.0.42). The problem still occurs.

In my test project, when/after crash, the "closed" event is fired in the "crashed main webview"(show messagebox for example).

Sorry for my english.

Posted: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8:06:46 PM
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Thank you very much for the test page. This is just to let you know that we are still not able to reproduce the problem here. We are able to see the page opens and close new tab continuously, but we have not been able to make it crash. We will continue to test and see if we can make it happen here.
Posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 3:55:31 AM
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Ok, thank you very much for your support and work.

If you cant make it crash, you can send me a dll/exe to execute in my machine that grab/send you a debug log that give you some information.

As my machine is a testing virtual machine, i can give you remote access if you need.

Posted: Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:59:59 AM
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Posts: 79
Some news about this?

You can send me the test build mentioned in other two post today?

I can try the new test build in my problematic machine and report results.
Posted: Thursday, May 14, 2015 1:34:18 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Please see your private message for details about the test build.


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