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Issues with Editor Options
Thomas Oates
Posted: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 8:36:42 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 10/9/2014
Posts: 3

I'm having some issues with the Editor.

1. Pasting from Word doesn't work correctly (it pastes codes instead of formatted text). I tried pasting the same text into CKeditor and it worked correctly.

2. Spacing issues: hitting enter a few times and the cursor only moves down one line but the HTML does show the carriage returns. Switching to source view and back makes it show up as expected.

Is this normal behavior or are there any settings that would help with these 2 issues?

Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 2:21:06 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Thank you very much for the information. This looks like problems on our side. We will look into this and see what we can find.
Posted: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:13:17 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/4/2014
Posts: 4
Pasting from Word or from email doesn't work properly.


DEFINITION:Under limited superfunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}ision, performs analfunction(){return this[this.length-1];}sis, consulting, design, programming, maintenance, and/or support function(a,b){if((a<0)||(a==this.length))this.v(b);else{var c=this.length;for(var d=c;d>=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}ork on softfunction(a,b){if((a<0)||(a==this.length))this.v(b);else{var c=this.length;for(var d=c;d>=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}are for State or Local gofunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}ernment Information Technologfunction(){return this[this.length-1];} serfunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}ices; participates in the resolution of complefunction(a){if((a<0)||(a>=this.length))return;for(var b=a;b=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}ith higher-lefunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}el technical staff; mafunction(){return this[this.length-1];} coordinate projects and serfunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}e as a technical mentor/coach to lofunction(a,b){if((a<0)||(a==this.length))this.v(b);else{var c=this.length;for(var d=c;d>=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}er lefunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}el staff; does other related duties. NOTE: The efunction(a){if((a<0)||(a>=this.length))return;for(var b=a;b=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}ork for this title are for illustratifunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}e purposes onlfunction(){return this[this.length-1];}, and are intended to be representatifunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}e of the lefunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}el of duties and responsibilities carried out bfunction(){return this[this.length-1];} this job class. A particular position using this title mafunction(){return this[this.length-1];} not perform all duties listed in this job specification. Confunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}erselfunction(){return this[this.length-1];}, all duties performed on the job mafunction(){return this[this.length-1];} not be listed. EDUCATION: Graduation from an accredited college or unifunction(a){this[this.length]=a;}ersitfunction(){return this[this.length-1];} function(a,b){if((a<0)||(a==this.length))this.v(b);else{var c=this.length;for(var d=c;d>=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}ith a Bachelor's degree.

Tfunction(a,b){if((a<0)||(a==this.length))this.v(b);else{var c=this.length;for(var d=c;d>=a;d--)this[d+1]=this[d];this[a]=b;}}o (2) function(){return this[this.length-1];}ears of programming, sfunction(){return this[this.length-1];}stems analfunction(){return this[this.length-1];}sis, or computer analfunction(){return this[this.length-1];}sis efunction(a){if((a<0)||(a>=this.length))return;for(var b=a;b

Posted: Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:34:05 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/4/2014
Posts: 4
Pasting from Word or from email doesn't work properly.


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