We tested this and it seems to work fine. Our steps are:
1. Add a textbox at the bottom of your test file. For example:
....<br />
<input type="text" />
<a name="test2"></a>
2. Modify our TabbedBrowser sample, look for the following line inside MainWindow.xaml.cs:
item.Page.WebView.LaunchUrl += new LaunchUrlHandler(WebView_LaunchUrl);
Add code to handle BeforeRequestLoad after this line. Inside the newly generated event delete the default code that throws out an exception. Then set a break point here;
3. Run the sample, load the test HTML file. You will see the breakpoint set in step 2 hit. This means a new request was generated;
4. Type some text inside the text box;
5. Click the link;
On step 5 notes that:
1. The breakpoint is NOT hit. This means the page has not been reloaded;
2. The text in the text box did not change. This also means the page has not been reloaded;
Please try these steps and see if you get the same result.