Again, on a previous posting ( ) you say:
Quote://The following code renders a piece of JavaScript code to the the client that calls the ProgressBar's client side JavaScript interface to start the ProgressBar
So with that in mind, would the general approach be to:
1-A. Have a 'standard' event (such as a Button_Click, etc.) fire off the javascript code to start the ProgressBar_RunTask method
1-B. Within the ProgressBar object set the StartTaskButton property to the intended Form object (Button, etc.) and use it to start the ProgressBar_RunTask method
2. Have the ProgressBar_RunTask method run the desired back-end processing while Updating the ProgressBar
One thing to note is that if the ProgressBar is initially set to Visible = False, then the StartTaskButton will not 'Fire'.
Instead the intended button will 'Fire' its own Click method.
So I had to set it Visible=True and then use StartUp javascript code to change its document.getElementByID("ProgressBar1").style.display="none" to make it invisible
That allowed the StartTaskButton to 'Fire'
But when I put my intended code into the ProgressBar1_RunTask subroutine, I encountered problems executing simple code.
When I tried to execute a simple
If RadioButton2.SelectedValue <> "" then
I got a Server error and I could not get around that.