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Good morning! The DLL of the EO.WebBrowser dll had an occasional issue with the rundll32 in Windows (depending on the machine, OS updates, etc). The latest version,, corrected that (yay!) but seemed to break the QueueScript: I am no longer getting the ScriptCallDone event. I checked this by putting back the previous DLL, get the hit. Current DLL, no hit. That's the only change. Quote: string[] ss = e.NewUrl.ToString().Split(new char[] { '/' }); string s = string.Format("<script location>.public.v1.ipadGetPostbackResult('{0}')", ss[ss.Length - 1]); var a = webView1.QueueScriptCall(s); ... [Event opccurs with3.0.89.0, does not with] void webView1_ScriptCallDone(object sender, ScriptCallDoneEventArgs e) { if (e.Call.Script.Contains(userInfoPostBack)) ...
Any assistance would be appreciated!
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One of the difference between 3.0.92 and 3.0.89 is QueueScriptCall will try to execute the script immediately if possible. So please check whether your event handler is attached after you call QueueScriptCall.
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The event handler part was not changed. I even added a remove / add handler prior to the call just to be really sure it was there in testing, and the event is still not raised. Quote: webView1.ScriptCallDone -= webView1_ScriptCallDone; webView1.ScriptCallDone += webView1_ScriptCallDone; var a = webView1.QueueScriptCall(s);
When checking the a (a = webView1.QueueScriptCall(<script>) ) the result is null. I also tried to run EvalScript but at that point javascript is currently not available. Not sure what else I can try.
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This appears to be a bug. We will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.
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Thanks - you guys are always remarkably fast on these things. We certainly appreciate it!
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You are very welcome. We have posted a new build on our download page (EO.WebBrowser.dll version 3.0.93) that should resolve this issue. Please take a look and let us know how it goes.
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You did fix that, but now the Nuance Silverlight DLL (we use it for Dragon Medical speech recognition) cannot load.
I tested with .93, the call back was working, but the plug in failed. Copied back the .92 version, plug in works, call back not so much. We need the plugin more than the call back at the moment, although long term will will need both. The .89 version worked both, but had a rare rundll32 issue so we could not release that version.
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Do you use the single DLL build or multi-DLL build?
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Single DLL. I'll try the multi DLL hopefully later today.
Edit: Later that day...I tried the multi-DLL ( and the Nuance Silverlight worked, as did the post back.
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OK. Thanks for the update. We will address this in our next build so that the single DLL will also work.
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I also verified that the odd rundll32 issue did not return on the 1 machine we have that had that error.
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Craig Oliver wrote:I also verified that the odd rundll32 issue did not return on the 1 machine we have that had that error.
Thanks! Great. Please feel free to let us know if there is anything else.
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Sorry to be a bother, but in initial testing of the latest multi & single DLL it appears that the post-back is again not working. I may try to go back to the version it last worked on to verify that I've not changed something on my end.
Tested with latest Nuget package 3.0.96.
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Hi, Can you send us a test project that demonstrates this problem? Please see here for test project guidelines: http://www.essentialobjects.com/forum/test_project.aspxThanks!
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I'm not sure I can: the code uses the EO browser to get to our EHR site, and you need to be able to log in with a valid user as we don't allow any anonymous access. Below is the code in use that did work with the earlier version as noted, but not in the current version. Quote: /// <summary> /// handle async javascript /// for the moment, only user info is getting returned /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void webView1_ScriptCallDone(object sender, ScriptCallDoneEventArgs e) <- never getting it { if (e.Call.Script.Contains(userInfoPostBack)) { Dictionary<string, string> userinfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(e.Call.Result.ToString()); if (userinfo.ContainsKey("TranscriptionGroupID")) { if (userinfo["TranscriptionGroupID"] != "0") webView1.QueueScriptCall(string.Format("gEHRiMed.public.v1.enableUserSelect('Upload Audio Dictations', '{0}')", App.audioCommand)); } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in userinfo) Log(string.Format("{0}: {1}", item.Key, item.Value)); } }
void webView1_BeforeNavigate(object sender, BeforeNavigateEventArgs e) { if (e.NewUrl.ToString().Contains(App.PostBack)) { string[] ss = e.NewUrl.ToString().Split(new char[] { '/' }); string s = string.Format("gEHRiMed.public.v1.ipadGetPostbackResult('{0}')", ss[ss.Length - 1]); var a = webView1.QueueScriptCall(s); <- getting called; a.result is always null } }
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Hi Craig,
Your code by itself looks perfectly fine. We don't need your live project. We need you to try to create a separate test project, whose sole purpose would be for duplicating the problem. Once we have that, we will try to run it here and see what we can find.
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The latest download now works correctly for CallScriptDone! I've only tested the single download, will hopefully have time to test the single DLL as well.
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Great. Thanks for the update!