What is the proposed method for handling a form page that references itself, maintaining state, but giving different views based on that state?
Setting the e.webview to the current webcontrol.webview doesn't seem to work. Setting the .url doesn't work either. .Accept = true seems to work as much as it breaks.
I can get a popup and/or tab to work, but for some reason I lose the new window click event on the 'parent' page, actually I lose everything on that page, even typing a new URL doesn't purge it's 'state'.
Some code examples related to this page, might be a great help.
http://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/6/advanced/new_window.aspxOutside of the 'TabBrowser' example, which doesn't help me either. Matter of fact, this little snippet of information DOES NOT work....
//If you do not want to open a new window but wish to open
//the new Url in the same window, comment the code above
//and uncomment the code below. The code below set the existing
//WebView's Url to the new Url. Also because it did not set
//e.Accepted to true, so the new WebView will be discarded.
EO.WebBrowser.WebView webView = (EO.WebBrowser.WebView)sender;
webView.Url = e.TargetUrl;