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Grid.ChangedItems not finding changed cell Options
Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:00:36 AM
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Joined: 10/8/2007
Posts: 18
I have a grid and have placed the excel example code into my save_click button and when I make a change to the cell and hit save, the changeditems.length does not change so it appears like my value does not get changed. Can anyone tell me why this might be the case. The column is bound to a datasource and the column is a textboxcolumn. The initial value is 0 and then gets changed. Thanks in advance.

If Grid1.ChangedItems.Length = 0 Then - the length is always 0 and not sure why
s += "No item has changed."
Dim item As EO.Web.GridItem
For Each item In Grid1.ChangedItems
Dim cell As EO.Web.GridCell
For Each cell In item.Cells
If cell.Modified Then
Dim [text] As String = String.Format("Cell Changed: Key = {0}, Field = {1}, New Value = {2}", item.Key, cell.Column.DataField, cell.Value)

End If
Next cell
Next item
End If
Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:14:50 AM
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Check the version of your EO.Web.dll, there was a similar issue that has been fixed in the latest build. Also please let us know whether the sample project worked for you.

Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:27:29 AM
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The sample project did not work
Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:31:27 AM
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The version of the dll is
Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:42:04 AM
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We ran the same version at here and it worked fine. Here are our steps:

1. Download and install 2007.2.16 (5.0.16) from our download page;
2. Go to Start -> All Programs -> EO.Web Controls 2007.2 -> EO.Web for ASP.NET 1.1 -> Live Demo -> Live Demo Source Code (Visual Basic). This would open the demo project;
3. Run the demo project and then go to Grid -> Features -> Edit Grid Data - Excel Style;
4. Click any cell to put it in edit mode, for example, click one of the "eo_support";
5. Edit the cell, then click another cell to submit the change;
6. Click "Post Back";

We then see the code displays a list of modified cells.

Please try the same and let us know which step would be different on your machine.

Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:11:00 AM
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It worked fine after I left the cell. My edited cell is the last cell in the row and sometimes there may be only one row, so how would you have the user enter another cell in order for the change to take place.

Thanks so much for your quick response and help. I greatly appreciate it.
Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:24:00 AM
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We understand the concern. We will look into it and see if that can be improved.

Posted: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 12:56:27 PM
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I am using code like this sample and I get all items back but the cell.value. This is always coming back null. I even tried to reference by using 'item.Cells(cell.Column.DataField).Value' but to no avail. I get the item.Key value and the cell.Column.Datafield value.

I am using the version 2007.2 downloaded 1/13/2008.
Posted: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 1:48:42 PM
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The latest version is updated on 1/14/2008. So you might want to give that a try. Also check whether Cell.Value has value right after you populate the Grid.

Posted: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:18:40 AM
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EO.Grid in Excel format:

I got the cell.value data by changing the type of data I was populating empty cells from my database table from NULL to a blank. Once I did this the grid works as advertized. There is no mention of not using null's in a table to load grid cells.


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