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EO.Pdf HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl page count incorrect Options
Posted: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 12:36:41 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 9/8/2014
Posts: 2
I am using HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl to convert an aspx url into a pdf document. When this is first done the result is as expected with 2 pages returned in a Pdf Document. When I execute it again I get a Pdf Document with 40 pages. The document is broken up into 40 pages with one line of html per page. If I try and then covert a html string to pdf I also get many pages.

What is causing this?

Here is my method for doing this
public static byte[] ApplicantPrint(Int32 poid, List<String> paids, String imageUrl, String documentDirectoryPath, Boolean bIncludeSummary = true)
String url;
MemoryStream oStream;

HtmlToPdf.Options.PageSize = PdfPageSizes.A4;

var oMergeDoc = new PdfDocument();

if (bIncludeSummary)
//Create a summary page
url = imageUrl + "ViewApplicationSummaryPdf.aspx?poId=" + EncryptionBase64.EncryptToBase64(poid.ToString()) + "&paIds=" + EncryptionBase64.EncryptToBase64(String.Join("-", paids.ToArray()));

HtmlToPdf.Options.NoCache = true;
HtmlToPdf.Options.NoScript = true;
HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl(url, oMergeDoc);
catch (Exception ex)
HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml("<b>PDF print failed for Applicant: </b> [" + ex.Message + "]<br>", oMergeDoc);

//Add the individual pages
foreach (var paid in paids)
url = imageUrl + "ViewApplicationPdf.aspx?Id=" + EncryptionBase64.EncryptToBase64(paid);
HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl(url, oMergeDoc);

var sDocList = PositionApplicationSupportingDocument.GetDocumentByType(Utility.UiValueToIntNotNull(paid), SupportingMaterialTypeObject.SupportingMaterialTypes.Resume);
if (sDocList.Count > 0)
var resumeDoc = sDocList[0];
var supportingMaterialObject = SupportingMaterial.GetById(resumeDoc.SupportingDocumentId);
if (supportingMaterialObject != null)
var path = documentDirectoryPath + supportingMaterialObject.FileName;
var resume = new FileInfo(path);
if (resume.Exists)
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(path);

switch (fileExt)
case ".docx":
case ".doc":
oStream = new MemoryStream(PrintFromDoc(ReadFile(path), supportingMaterialObject.FileName));
oMergeDoc = PdfDocument.Merge(oMergeDoc, new PdfDocument(oStream));
case ".pdf":
var oDoc = new PdfDocument(new MemoryStream(ReadFile(path)));
oMergeDoc = PdfDocument.Merge(oMergeDoc, oDoc);
case ".gif":
case ".png":
case ".jpeg":
case ".tiff":
case ".jpg":
var page = oMergeDoc.Pages.Add();
oStream = new MemoryStream(ReadFile(path));
var oImage = Image.FromStream(oStream);
var pdfImage = new EO.Pdf.Drawing.PdfImage(oImage);
var content = new EO.Pdf.Contents.PdfImageContent(pdfImage);

if (oImage.Size.Width > 612 || content.Image.Image.Size.Height > 792)
// resize the image to fit an A4 page
content.GfxMatrix.Scale(612, 792);
content.GfxMatrix.Translate(0, 0);

catch (Exception ex)
HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml("<b>Unable to convert file to PDF: " + ex.Message + "</b><br>", oMergeDoc);

//Add footer to each page
oStream = new MemoryStream();

var oData = AddFooter(oStream.ToArray());

return oData;

public static Byte[] AddFooter(Byte[] oData)
var oStream = new MemoryStream(oData);
var oDoc = new PdfDocument(oStream);

var totalPages = oDoc.Pages.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < totalPages; i++)
//Set the output area to the footer area
HtmlToPdf.Options.OutputArea = new RectangleF(0, 11, 8.0f, 0.5f);

//Output whatever footer contents in the footer area
//Note that the second argument is a PdfPage object
HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String.Format("<div style=\"text-align:right; padding-right:20px;\">Page {0} of {1}</div>", i + 1, totalPages), oDoc.Pages[i]);

oStream = new MemoryStream();
var oDataBytes = oStream.ToArray();

return oDataBytes;
Posted: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:27:54 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,272

Your code looks fine. You can try to save the result HTML into a file, then convert that file to see if you get the same result. Most likely you have forced page break somewhere in your HTML:



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