Hi, I have been searching the forums, and I have not really found my answer. Details:
EO.PDF version:
Stack Trace:
<p>The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Convertion failed. Parameter is not valid.'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is: </p>
<p> at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfException.b(Exception A_0)
at EO.Pdf.Internal.l0.d()
at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.RenderAsPDF(PdfDocument doc)
at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String html, PdfDocument doc, HtmlToPdfOptions options)
at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String html, String pdfFileName, HtmlToPdfOptions options)
Code: C#
HtmlToPdf.Options.GeneratePageImages = true;
HtmlToPdf.Options.FooterHtmlFormat =
"<div style='text-align:center;font-style: italic'>This is the footer tag line and legal</div>";
HtmlToPdfResult result = HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(GetFileHtml, pdfSaveLocation);
foreach (Image image in result.PageImages)
image.Save(imageSaveLocation, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
It works fine on my local. The server is RackSpace 2008 Windows Enterprise. Anything I can look to on the server to track this down?
I see in one case the user was instructed to remove the HtmlToPdf.Options.GeneratePageImages = true, but I need to use those images.
Thank you!