I have a Grid encased in a callback panel.
The OnItemCommand wont fire, even if I run it in a Client side code piece as well.
Here is my CallBack Panel and Grid definition:
<eo:CallbackPanel runat="server" id="CallbackPanel1" Height="500px" Width="400px" Triggers="{ControlID:Button1;Parameter:},ControlID:UM_EOGrid;Parameter:}">
<eo:Grid id="UM_EOGrid" runat="server" BorderColor="#7F9DB9" BorderWidth="1px" GridLines="Both"
FixedColumnCount="1" ColumnHeaderDescImage="00050105" GridLineColor="220, 223, 228" Width="700px"
ColumnHeaderAscImage="00050104" Height="400px" GoToBoxVisible="True"
Font-Size="8.75pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" ColumnHeaderDividerImage="00050103" FullRowMode="False"
EnableKeyboardNavigation="True" AllowNewItem="True" ClientSideOnCellSelected="um_on_grid_cell_selected" OnItemCommand="UM_EOGrid_OnItemCommand" IsCallbackByMe="False">
I have a Button that works with the Callback Panel. I removed the IsCallbackByMe option and removed the Trigger from the panel for the Grid, but that didn't make any difference.
I haven't included the C# Code for the OnItemCommand.
Can you offer some assistance as to why the OnItemCommand is not firing?