Please do the following:
1. Change the conversion mode from Auto to Manual
before you call ConvertUrl/ConvertHtml:
Code: C#
HtmlToPdf.Options.TriggerMode = HtmlToPdfTriggerMode.Manual;
2. Add the following code
inside your initialize() function
after you have initialized the map object (after the var map= ... line, that is, at the end of the function):
Code: JavaScript
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'tilesloaded', function()
if (typeof(eopdf) == "object")
The reason that the map was not rendered in your PDF file is because the converter started conversion before the map has been fully loaded. #1 and #2 works together to avoid this problem. The purpose of #1 is to tell the converter do not start conversion until eopdf.convert() has been called. The purpose of #2 is to listen to google map's "tilesLoaded" event, and when that event occurs, tells the converter to start conversion. Note the code only calls eopdf.convert() when variable "eopdf" exists. This variable only exists when the page runs inside our converter. Thus eopdf.convert() won't be called when you load your page in a "normal" browser (otherwise it would throw an error because variable "eopdf" wouldn't exist).
Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you have any more questions.