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Ajax Uploader Question Options
Posted: Thursday, November 15, 2007 8:52:48 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 11/15/2007
Posts: 26
I m testing the Ajax Uploader component.
I have some questions about it.
When I upload files I know how to move them into another directory using the FileUploaded event, but my question is how to know which files that the user deletes.
I m talking about the files that appear within the Uploader Layout with the checkboxes. (sorry for my english).
Is there an event to know which files are selected for the delete action ?
Thanks for your help

Posted: Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:31:01 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Hi Stan,

You should never need to care about which file user has deleted. Consider the following sequence:

1. User upload file 1;
2. User upload file 2;
3. User upload file 3;
4. User delete file 2;
5. User submits the page;
6. FileUploaded is fired, you will see file 1 and file 3;
7. You move the files away;
8. Page refreshes, the uploaded file list will be empty;

Files are deleted before FileUploaded is fired, this is like user uses backspace to erase some characters and retype them in a textbox. Your code should never care about what they have erased in the textbox, you only care about the final content of the textbox.

Once FileUploaded is triggered, you would usually moves the uploaded the files away (and may call ClearPostedFiles). Once all the files are submitted, the list becomes empty and user should no longer be able to delete any of them.


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