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How to specify background-image for stock images in external css file Options
Tommy Kan
Posted: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8:08:39 PM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 7/1/2007
Posts: 17
I am trying to externalize the style element of a tabstrip in style.css file.

<eo:tabstrip id="tabStrip" runat="server" controlskinid="None" multipageid="MultiPage" >
<TopGroup Style-CssClass="tabStripDeal1" Style-CssText="" Width="100"><Items>
<eo:TabItem ItemID="tabFindDeals"></eo:TabItem>
<eo:TabItem ItemID="tabDealDetails"></eo:TabItem>
<eo:TabItem Image-BackgroundRepeat="RepeatX" Image-Mode="TextBackground" Image-SelectedUrl="00010205"
Image-Url="00010202" ItemID="_Default" LeftIcon-SelectedUrl="00010204" LeftIcon-Url="00010201"
RightIcon-SelectedUrl="00010206" RightIcon-Url="00010203">
<SubGroup OverlapDepth="8" Style-CssClass="tabStripDeal1">
<DesignOptions BackColor="239, 235, 222" />

In External CSS file, I have the following:


But the background-image is missing from the the webpage when I visit the page in the browser.

Please let me know how to enrich the background-image:url('00010200') attribute to find the stock item in the eo package.

Posted: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:28:46 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

You will need to extract the image from Images.zip first. You can find that file in the installation folder. Once you have the real images, you no longer use the stock image ID, but use a real image Url instead.


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