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CSS Class name problems on Menu Options
Posted: Friday, November 2, 2007 11:40:08 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 10/23/2007
Posts: 1
I am using the basic menu component. I am finding problems assigning CSS Styles.

Here is a sample of my source:

<eo:menu id="theSlideMenu" runat="server" AutoSelectMode="Path" Width="300px" KeepExpandedOnClick="True" TargetFrame="main" ControlSkinID="None">
	HoverStyle-CssClass="menuItem_HoverStyle1" ItemID="_TopLevelItem"
	<SubMenu Style-CssText="padding-right: 3px; 
			padding-left: 3px; 
			font-size: 12px; 
			padding-bottom: 2px; 
			border-left: #556469 1px solid; 
			cursor: hand; 
			color: black; 
			padding-top: 2px; 
			border-bottom: #556469 2px solid; 
			font-family: Tahoma; 
			background-color: #FAF9F6" 
OffsetX="-3" ShadowDepth="3" OffsetY="3" ItemSpacing="5">

I can assign CSS classnames to HoverStyle-CssClass and NormalStyle-CssClass in MenuItem, but in the submenu I had to assign the text directly rather than using a CssClass attribute. I think I may have tried something like Style-CssStyle instead of Style-CssText. It seemed to have no effect. Only when I changed it back to text it worked....any ideas...?


Posted: Friday, November 2, 2007 11:47:12 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Hi Mark,

That's because you are only change CSS class names on the "_TopLevelItem" look item. There are other look items that you would want to modify. You can find more details at here:



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