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Hi there, I bought the component today, and while I was demonstrating it to our company president, it stopped the upload of a big file after uploading around 3.5MB. Am I missing something in any of the configurations?
Thanks, Arvind Khanan
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Not likely. If anything is wrong then it won't start at all. Most likely there was a temporary problem with the server and we are not able to get an status update from the server. Can you reproduce the problem?
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After reading your response, I tried to configure my server and checked all the settings. Everything seems to be working fine. I have kept the max size = 2100000000 bytes and tried to upload 200 mb file. It stops after 10% to 13% of upload.
However it loads the whole file very well if I try to load from the same web server where site is hosted. But if I use it as an Internet site, it doesn't show any error, but stops after some time.
I even tried to load using your sample web, but there it displays error of file size being too big.
Your immediate response will be highly appreciated, because I want to merge it in our solution at the earliest if it works fine.
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Hi Arvind,
Thanks for the update. We will look into it and see if we can reproduce it. Our server did explicitly set the max size so that you can not upload a file that is too large, mainly as a mean to prevent DOS attack.
BTW: What happen when you try to upload smaller file? Would it also stop?
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No, it does not stop, smaller files get thru, but an sql script file of size 4MB did not get thru and stopped after 93% of upload on an internet environment.
We are working for Health Care Sector, so our files are generally big and need to be highly secure. That was the reason I wanted to use https file upload as opposed to ftp upload.
As I need this feature at the earliest, so when would you be able to let me know?
Thanks for all your help and fast response.
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We are testing with a 300M file right now, I do not have a time table now because we still don't know where the problem is yet.
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Hi Arvind,
We are now 22% through a 300M+ file and it is still going. Is there anyway that we can try it with your server? You can PM us with the details if that's OK for you.
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Hi Arvind,
Please check if your server has employed any "quota" management system. Many public servers have a quota set for anonymous user. When you are inside the network, you are automatically authenticated as a domain user towards the webserver. But if you are outside of the network, then you will be an "anonymous" user.
When the quota hits, any new write would typically fail and any pending writes may just sit there indefinitely --- depending on the quota system is implemented. That can cause the uploader to sit there forever.
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Hi, I also thought of the same but as per my first writeup, I am not sure of configuration setting in IIS or in Windows Explorer for setting the quota. Can you please help me to setup the quota so that I should test.
Moreover, if this quota can be set for individual users, e.g. Network Services may have the quota different from Administrators.
Thanks for all your help,
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Hi, After writing above, I realized I even tried with Windows Authentication on a remote server. As it was not anonymous access and I loged in as administrator, then also it will stop because quota is not set?
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Hi Arvind,
I don't think it will stop because the quota is not set. We were researching the problem on our side. We ran into the quota problem when we were doing our test with our servers. Since our server is being managed by our hoster, who employees quota managements but we are not sure which system they use. I believe the easiest way to verify whether it's a quota problem or a server problem is to use a regular file upload element and see if it can upload the whole file to the server. If that can not do it, then we can be sure that it is a server problem.
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Hi There, I have done my bit with couple of combinations, e.g. by setting the quota, removing the quota, with administrator login, with anonymous login, and some other combinations like increasing the worker process time, etc. But nothing seems to work fine for me. Moreover, there is no message either, it just hangs and does nothing.
I think you need to work on this component more, and let me try some other alternatives. When I tried your product, it worked fine for me on the Intranet, but when I place it on the Internet it failed and still is failing. If nothing works, then I will go back to basics of using FTP for file upload.
If you think it can be fixed by Monday, then I can give it a try once again, because I need this component, else I will request you to take it back.
Thanks for all your help.
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Hi Arvind,
The thing that I think worth trying at this moment is a regular HTTP file upload. We are not convinced that this is our problem yet because you may not be able to sucessively upload the file using a regular HTTP upload method ---- if that is the case, then I think it's pretty clear that the problem is your server and you can't just throw it back to us. As I have explained before, there is nothing we can do if your server hangs there.
If that proves to work, then we will need access to your server in order to see both scenarios and debug them in order to find out the difference. We can stay with you during the weekend if you will be there as well. But it's not likely that the problem can be resolved by Monday if you are gone because you are the only one that is seeing this problem.
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Hi There, I have never tried regular HTTP upload earlier and I do not know much about it. I had always used FTP and I know it works on my servers fine. However I use Front-Page Server extensions, which in turn uses http protocol to upload my projects from Visual Studio. Let me know how can I upload a big file using http protocol, I will surely try to do the same and let you know. If it doesn't work then I will accept there may be some mistake on my part.
But if it works, then I cannot give access to you on my servers, because we hold sensitive data and we are bound by HIPPA regulations. I am sorry for that. Moreover, as a component developer you shouldn't ask for access on someone's servers, you should have answer to thier problems.
In one of your earlier replies to my question, you yourself accepted that if quota is not set properly then it will hang and do nothing without any error, then in another reply you reverted back and told it is not because of quota. It means you have also experinced same problem. I am not throughing it on you, rather you are accepting it as a problem. Moreover, your component doesn't through any error message of any sort, so how can one know what exactly the problem is?
We already have bought lots of components from different software companies like Developer Express, Infragistics, etc. There had been problems also, then there are solutions, but Trust me none of them have ever said that we are throughing something on them. If there is some problem in any of their components, then they accept, else they give us the solution but never ever say that we are throughing anything on them.
I am really surprised with the way you wrote that we are throughing something on you.
Thanks for your help,
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Hi Arvind,
You can try regular HTTP upload by putting a standard ASP.NET HtmlInputFile on the form and see if you are able to upload the same file onto your server.
As for my replies, I don't think there are any conflicts between them. I am not sure how you got that conclusion. Maybe it needs a bit more clarification:
1. If there is a quota and it is being hit, then most likely you see that problem (it may sit there or fail, depending on exactly how your quota management is implemented);
2. "I don't think it will stop because the quota is not set.". This means I do not believe the fact that "quota is not set at all" can cause the uploader to stop. Again, I am not saying that there can't be other reasons that can cause it to stop;
As for "throwing thing", I was referring you declaring our product needs more work and demanding us "taking it back" without even knowing for sure that it is our problem or not. It's like that your car ran out of gas and you want the dealer to fix it for you. That's why I found it's a bit unacceptable. We understand that you run into a problem, we are also doing our best to help you out, it is both yours and ours best interest to work it out ---- regardless what caused the problem. But trying to be political half way won't be helpful. So I want to say it again, if it is a problem in our components, then we will not only accept, but will do our best to fix it as soon as possible and provide a workaround for you at the earliest time if possible. But it's probably much better not pointing fingers before we get to the bottom of this and really know what it is.
I am sure both of us know and understand many things can cause problems. Just like a car won't run without gas, it's very obvious that in such case you don't blame the car. We did see the same problem when the quota limits is hit, but is that a problem of our component? I don't think so. Your harddrive crashed and that's a software problem? Probably not. However when such issue does occur, we always try to identify what exactly caused the problem and then advice our customer to the best of our knowledge and if possible, provide a solution or workaround for our customers.
Trouble shooting a problem can be frustrating, but it’s not like the moment you blame on others and the problem is solved. That’s the reason that we are trying to work with you and hope that we can find a solution for you. And if you try to be aggressive, probably you just end up with nobody wants to solve the problem for you. As our set policy, we do not issue refund after license key is disclosed as doing so would obviously encourage fraudulent orders.
Thanks for your understanding.