I have a problem with Grid SelectedItemIndex property. When grid is loaded and I select a row works fine, but when I reorder grid with a column the SelectedItemIndex doesn't work correctly.
For example, I reorder the grid with Fecha column and I select the fifth row (it has value 11 for column Numero)
In server, the SelectedItemIndex is correct 4 but the the Item with index 4 doesn't correspond with the row selected, it has a value 12 in column Numero, that means is the seventh row.
Here is the code I use, basically I get the index with SelectedItemIndex and I get the item with Dim item As EO.Web.GridItem = Grid1.Items.Item(index) but the Item doesn't correspond with selected
Private Sub Lb_consultar_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Lb_consultar.Click
Dim index As Integer = Grid1.SelectedItemIndex()
If index >= 0 Then
Dim item As EO.Web.GridItem = Grid1.Items.Item(index)
Dim cell As EO.Web.GridCellCollection = item.Cells()
Dim gridn As EO.Web.GridCell = cell.Item("numero")
Session("Pago_Num") = gridn.Value().ToString
Session("Pago_Accion") = "2"
Response.Redirect("Pagos.aspx", True)
validar.Show("Error - Pagos", "Debe seleccionar un Pago de la lista.", Nothing, New EO.Web.MsgBoxButton("Cerrar"))
End If
End Sub
So, how can I get the selected item when reorder items.
Thank you