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File Uploader Options
Posted: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:52:32 AM
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Once files have been uploaded to the tempfilelocation how do i in code process the files and move them to the desired location some vb.net code to do this would be of great help.
Thanks in advance
Posted: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:59:05 AM
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You will do that by handling FileUploaded event. You can find sample VB.NET code at here:


Look for the For Each look in the sample code, you will see all it does it to display each uploaded file's TempFileName property. You need to change that to:

File.Move(file.TempFileName, wherever_you_want_to_move_the_file_to)

Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 8:02:15 PM
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I tried this

Dim files As EO.Web.AJAXPostedFile() = AJAXUp1.PostedFiles
Dim filex As EO.Web.AJAXPostedFile
For Each filex In files
File.Move(filex.TempFileName, BS.ProjectRoot & "Images\Temp2\")

my tempfilelocation = BS.ProjectRoot & "Images\Temp\"

so i store the uploads into temp then attempt to move them to temp2 bascially. Both folder have write access

I get this error: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

on this line:
File.Move(filex.TempFileName, BS.ProjectRoot & "Images\Temp2\")

any help?
Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 8:10:46 PM
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The second parameter of File.Move takes a file name, not a directory name.
Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 8:17:05 PM
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ok I fixed that - now I am getting:

The given path's format is not supported

on this line:

File.Move(filex.TempFileName, BS.ProjectRoot & "Images\Temp2\" & filex.TempFileName)

the temp folder stores odd names - nothing like "pic.jpg" I assume this is normal - right? so how to I tell the move command to name the file it's proper name?

Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 8:24:37 PM
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it seems like the filex.TempFileName.ToString is returning the .data file name which is long and cryptic (see below)

aka : eouploader.a5b15145-1999-474e-b160-7985cea4c807.3.data

the actual file uploaded was "picture.jpg"

how do I re-get the correct name?
Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 8:38:28 PM
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As for your questions:

1. "The given path's format is not supported". That's because TempFileName contains the full path. If your BS.ProjectRoot is "c:\", then in your case, TempFileName would be "c:\Images\Temp\eouploader.a5b15145-1999-474e-b160-7985cea4c807.3.data", and you are appending it to BS.ProjectRoot & "Images\Temp2\" in your File.Move call. That produces a file name of "c:\Images\Temp2\c:\Images\Temp\eouploader.a5b15145-1999-474e-b160-7985cea4c807.3.data\". Obviously that's not valid;

2. Use ClientFileName instead of TempFileName. TempFileName is a temporary file. It contains the valid contents but the file name is automatically generated.

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Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 9:25:56 PM
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Posts: 38
thanks for the quick response. I don't see how you expect me to understand the attributes and properties you coded for your object. the filex object I am struggling with is your Essential Object .net control.

by the way for anyone else struggling with this same issue here is the syntax to provide you the uploaded files real name


filex is declared as

Dim filex As EO.Web.AJAXPostedFile

entire code below

Protected Sub AJAXUp1_FileUploaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AJAXUp1.FileUploaded

Dim files As EO.Web.AJAXPostedFile() = AJAXUp1.PostedFiles
Dim filex As EO.Web.AJAXPostedFile
For Each filex In files
File.Move(filex.TempFileName, BS.ProjectRoot & "Images\Temp2\" & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filex.ClientFileName))
End Sub
Posted: Saturday, November 3, 2007 9:58:14 PM
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mckulap wrote:
I don't see how you expect me to understand the attributes and properties you coded for your object. the filex object I am struggling with is your Essential Object .net control.

Everything is in the documentation. You can go to Start -> Program Files -> EO.Web Controls 2007.1 -> ASP.NET 1.1/2.0 -> EO.Web Help to find out everything about our objects.

Thanks for sharing the code though. I am sure it will be helpful for other users.

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