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AJAXUploader often not uploading the entire file Options
Posted: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 3:25:11 PM
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Although the documentation says "•Overcome ASP.NET file upload file size limitation
Unlike ASP.NET, which stores the uploaded files in memory, EO.Web AJAX Uploader streams the uploaded files into a temporary file. This allows EO.Web AJAX Uploader to handle much large files;"

I find that larger files (say 15Mb, I'm not talking about multi-Gb files) are a hit or miss, and mostly a miss affair.
Sometimes they'll upload completely, but mostly they'll upload partially: 6Mb, 3Mb, even only 1MB.

How large are the "much larger files" that the control should be able to handle?

This is in a shared hosting environment (I assume "medium trust"), if that makes a difference.

Posted: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 4:09:31 PM
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AJAXUploader requires full trust to run, without full trust it won't update anything at all. Since you are already seeing it uploading files, so you should already have full trust, which means your shared hosting environment should not be an issue.

When you say "most of the time they'll upload partially" do you mean that everything APPEARS to be working but in fact they are not? For example, the progress bar moves from the begin to the end; the file size appears to grow normally; and FileUploaded event are fired ---- but the file you are getting is not right? If that's the case, then that would be the first time we heard about such issues. In all previous cases if the uploader fail, it will fail with an error (most of the time a time out error).

Posted: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 5:35:50 PM
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When files upload normally, the progress bar completes, and the processing after the upload runs: On the fileuploaded event I check the original file name, modify it to eliminate spaces and truncate it if needed, then copy the temporary file to the final location, using this modified name. I write a message to the page confirming the uploaded file's name and its length. When things operate normally, that file length matches the original size.

When it doesn't complete, the progress bar goes part way but doesn't complete, just abruptly triggers the fileuploaded event, as if it thought it had completed. The file length of the final file is less than it should be (often by quite a lot).

For very small files, this doesn't happen.

Additional information: If I'm not logged in to the application for a while, then go to the site, log in and try a large file upload, it will most likely succeed. If I then try and upload another large file, it fails, uploading it only partially. And so on, for additional tries. Only the first one, when I've just logged in, works. Another user of the site reported the same thing: works first time, doesn't work on subsequent tries during the same visit for large files. Does this information help?
Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2012 3:19:46 PM
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Please check whether you have a load balancer that is actually distributing the request to multiple physical servers. That's the only scenario where the temp files may get created at different locations and would not match up. Even that, we can not think of anything that would cause the file not be fully uploaded but FileUploaded event is triggered. The FileUploaded event won't be triggered unless the server has reported back to the client that it has indeed received the whole file. You can try to create a separate test app with nothing but just the uploader in it and see if that can give you a different result. If that does work but it does not work with your application, you will probably want to compare the two to see if you can find out what triggers the problem. We can then go from there.

Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2012 6:06:01 PM
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I'm giving up on it. No, it's just on one server. Only that control on the page, and I get the same result.

Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2012 6:47:51 PM
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OK. We do not know what else to tell you either. Let us know if find out anything else new. Sorry about not being able to find out the root cause for you.


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