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Joined: 10/12/2007 Posts: 13
I want to set the visiblility of a tabstrip-item clientside within a java-script. But in your documentation under the topic client API referenceI can't find an information about tabstrips.
Could you be so kind to give a short example how to set the visibility of an item (itemID is known).
Thanks in advance.
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
Hi, TabStrip client side API works exactly the same as menu. You can find a sample at here: http://www.essentialobjects.com/Demo/Default.aspx?path=Menu\menu_programming\_i2\js_modify_menuThe same code should work for TabStrip as well. Thanks
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Joined: 10/12/2007 Posts: 13
Sorry, I'm not trained in Java. This is the script I use:
function fcCheckArt() { var tabStrip = eo_GetObject('tabMain');
if (document.getElementById('cmbContactArt').value == 'F') { tabStrip.getItem('tabFirma').setDisabled(false); tabStrip.getItem('tabFirmaAP').setDisabled(false); } else { tabStrip.getItem('tabFirma').setDisabled(true); tabStrip.getItem('tabFirmaAP').setDisabled(true); } }
There is something wrong, but I don't know, what. "tabMain" is the tabstrip-control "tabFirma" and "tabFirmaAP" is the itemID
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Well, you do need to be familar with JavaScript if you want to use our JavaScript interface, otherwise you will be just giving yourself headaches. :)
The only problem we can see is there is no "getItem" method on tabStrip. So you can not just invent it like that. You will need to go to the client side JavaScript reference section to find out what's there and use them. Other thant that your code looks fine.
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Tanks for this info, I'm working on my javascript experiance every day.
It's nice, that you tell my, that the tabstrip-control does not have a "getitem"-method. Due to you are the support for this control and I'm the customer, I think, it's allowed to ask, how to get an tabstrip-item by javascript. It looks like your controls are build very professional and there has to be a way. Who should I ask, if not you?
So please give me a hint, because the "http://www.essentialobjects.com/Demo/Default.aspx?path=Menu\menu_programming\_i2\js_modify_menu" doesn't help, cause I have no such event and therfore now "info"-control to work with.
one more time: Thanks in advance.
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Hi Roland, Absolutely. And we shall do our best to support our customers. :) However one thing that we want to avoid is to repeat everything that's already in the document. When the contents is already in the document, we direct our customers to that and there is no need to repeat it here, because the document actually gives you everything that's available, and it would be an absolute waste of time for us to repost it here. Only if you do not find what's your need there, we will post additional information here. The very first thing you want to go over is eo_GetObject, as you already see in our sample code: http://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=JSDoc.Public.Global.eo_GetObject.htmlThis function returns an "object", in your case, it returns a "Navigator" object. You can find what method Navigator has at here: http://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=JSDoc.Public.Navigator.htmlFrom there you can go further and see what other methods/objects are available until it gives what you need. It should be very straight forward. The whole documentation is also avaliable on your local harddrive as a .chm file, which is searchable and is faster than the online version. So you might want to use that instead. Eitherwise you will have to rely on the documentation to find what you need. Thanks
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Joined: 10/12/2007 Posts: 13
:d/ Thanks a lot! Now I got it.
Sorry about the count of questions, but it's hard for me to get familar with your controls. I've a big application and I try to create a new and better design (using your controls). Therefore I want to understand the functionality before I start to convert the forms.
So maybe this was not my last last request (I'm quite sure!)
Thanks for help (Hope you can read my english, schooltime is long time ago ;-))
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Appreciate your understanding. Since we have very good and responsive tech support, a lot of our users ignore our documentation. But our documentation is equally good. :)