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Tabstrip and Multipage Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:13:38 AM
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Joined: 10/16/2007
Posts: 3
I have many pages in my web site. Wanted to use Tabstrip control from EO (or Menu from EO). The example says I need to have a Tab Strip, and a Multi Page and different Page Views within that Multi page. My problem is each of these Page Views have between 25 to 50 controls on them and having many Page Views with in one Multi Page doesn't seem to be a good idea.

1) Can I have one tab strip and call different pages when the user selects different tabs (or different drop down from the menu)?

2) When I set the Navigate URL to the page I want to display and set Target Window either to _parent or _self, the new page opens but I don't see the tab control (unless I put tab contol on each of the pages - which I don't want to do). I would like to have one main tab strip or a menu and open different pages under that same tab strip (or menu). Is it possible to do this? If so is there an example?

Thanks, Kumar.
Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:58:22 AM
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There are basically two ways to use a TabStrip: all within one page or with different pages. All in one page probably won't work for you. The best solution for you is probably to use a master page and put the TabStrip in the master page, and your page contents in different content pages. You will then use NavigateUrl to switch pages. You also want to look into AutoSelectSource property and SaveStatesCrossPages property because by default controls does not save state information across pages.

Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:24:56 PM
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eo_support wrote:

There are basically two ways to use a TabStrip: all within one page or with different pages. All in one page probably won't work for you. The best solution for you is probably to use a master page and put the TabStrip in the master page, and your page contents in different content pages. You will then use NavigateUrl to switch pages. You also want to look into AutoSelectSource property and SaveStatesCrossPages property because by default controls does not save state information across pages.


This is what I did based on your answer:
1) Created a master page called "Default.aspx" that has only a tab strip.
2) The tabstrip has items Login, Patient, and Reports (Horizontal)
3) Under Login (in the tab strip builder) NavigateURL is Login.aspx, Patient is Patient.aspx and ...
4) For all the above 3, under tab strip builder Target Window is _parent ( I have tried _self also)
5) Under properties for TabStrip1
AutoSelectSource can be NavigateURL, NavigateExactURL, Item Click and Auto (I have tried all 4 of them)
AutoSelectTarget are Item and Path (I have tried both)
SaveStateCrossPages is set to True
When I run my application http://localhost/medical/default.aspx, the tabstrip comes up. Selecting Login, Patient or Reports opens individual pages and the tab strip disappears.

Where did I go wrong? The individual pages do not have tab strips on them.

How can I have the tab strip stay always and still open these 3 pages below it? I did not understand what you mean by MasterPage and content pages. Is Master Page in my case default.aspx and content pages are my login.aspx, patient.aspx and Report.aspx?

Please help. Regards, Kumar.
Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:48:16 PM
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MasterPage and content page is an ASP.NET 2.0 feature. The master page would be something.master and the content page would be a page that references the master page. At runtime, ASP.NET automatically merges the master page with the runtime page. Please see MS documentation for more details about master page.

Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:57:24 PM
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eo_support wrote:

MasterPage and content page is an ASP.NET 2.0 feature. The master page would be something.master and the content page would be a page that references the master page. At runtime, ASP.NET automatically merges the master page with the runtime page. Please see MS documentation for more details about master page.


Thank you so much for your quick reply. I am still using ASP.NET 1.1 with VS 2003. So I can not implement your solution under this environment?
Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:13:28 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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You can. But as you have expected, you would need to put TabStrip into every page. There are other ways to around it, such as frame set or user controls --- either way it will be far more complicate than master page. If you prefer, you can give them a try. Those techniques themselves are generic ASP.NET programming techniques and have nothing to do with our controls, so our support team will not tech-support them. You should be able to find plenty of resources over the Internet or MSDN about them.


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