I've got a basic Dialog:
<eo:Dialog runat="server" ID="ViewDocFullDialog" ContentUrl="about:blank" BorderStyle="Solid" AllowResize="False"
ControlSkinID="None" Width="950px" BorderWidth="1px" Height="650px" ShadowColor="LightGray"
BorderColor="#000087" BackShadeColor="Gray" BackShadeOpacity="75"
IsModal="true" AllowMove="false">
<FooterStyleActive CssClass="eo_dialog_footer"></FooterStyleActive>
<HeaderStyleActive CssClass="eo_dialog_header"></HeaderStyleActive>
<ContentStyleActive CssClass="eo_dialog_content"></ContentStyleActive>
The url to show is being set via javascript using setContentUrl and then displayed using show(true).
I have hooked up to the window.onresize event to resize the dialog to always have a 20 pixel space around it. This works fine.
However, if I maximize the browser window and then make it smaller I end up with white space at the right-hand side, ie the BackShadeColor does not fill the background behind the dialog.
I think the white space is where the main browser scrollbar would be and I think it's happening because when you bring the browser out of "maximized" the dialog is too large for the browser window and so it briefly shows a scrollbar, the dialog is then resized by my code that is attached to the window resize event. The scrollbar then disappears leaving behind the white space where the scrollbar was.
This works perfectly fine in Chrome and I can also get around it by calling the dialog resize function twice instead of just once. It also works fine if you just make the browser window larger and then smaller... so long as you don't go into maximized.
Dose that make sense?
Any ideas?