I am using the masked edit control for phone numbers and it works well. The problem I have is when the customer wants a new field on their form. I add the new phone number field to the database and the web form. This is all that is needed for creating new records. But when they try to edit an existing record, I get an exception from the edit control. I have to go in and update the new field to '( ) - ' so existing records don't have Null values.
Is there some way to get the masked edit control to handle Null values when being bound from the database? If not, I would really recommend that as a feature. Regular text boxes can be bound to a Null value and they don't complain.
<eo:MaskedEdit ID="PhoneNumberTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PhoneNumber") %>'
Font-Names="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><eo:MaskedEditSegment Text="(" IsRequired="True" /><eo:MaskedEditSegment Mask="000) 000-0000" SegmentType="Mask" IsRequired="True" /></eo:MaskedEdit>