Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 8/15/2009 Posts: 3
Hello, I am using your Calendar and able to edit it in my way and display it. Below is the code for my DayRender; I am adding as many notes I want to add in a selected day. Notes property is changed as per my custom class
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Private Sub CallbackPanel1_Execute(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EO.Web.CallbackEventArgs) Handles CallbackPanel1.Execute
Dim callbackParam As String = CallbackPanel1.LastTrigger.Parameter
'Validate the parameter. The first 10 characters
'is the date. The rest is the note.
If Not (callbackParam Is Nothing) AndAlso callbackParam.Length > 10 Then
Dim [date] As String = callbackParam.Substring(0, 10)
Dim note As String = callbackParam.Substring(10)
If (String.Compare(note, "Add", True) = 0) Then
'Notes(EO.Web.Calendar.StringToDate([date])) = note
Dim newtask As List(Of Task) = TaskNotes(EO.Web.Calendar.StringToDate([date]))
Dim t As New Task(AddType, TypeColor)
If (newtask Is Nothing) Then
newtask = New List(Of Task)
MsgBox("Exists " + t.TaskNote + newtask.Contains(t).ToString)
' If already contains, then don't add
If (newtask.Contains(t) = False) Then
End If
End If
TaskNotes(EO.Web.Calendar.StringToDate([date])) = newtask
t = Nothing
newtask = Nothing
MsgBox("Date = " + [date] + " Task to Remove = " + note)
End If
End If
End Sub 'CallbackPanel1_Execute
Protected Sub Calendar1_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EO.Web.DayRenderEventArgs) Handles Calendar1.DayRender
Dim note As String = CStr(Notes(e.Day.Date))
Dim tasks As List(Of Task) = TaskNotes(e.Day.Date)
'Create an ID for this day
Dim dayId As String = "dayId_" + EO.Web.Calendar.DateToString(e.Day.Date)
dayId = dayId.Replace("-"c, "_"c)
Dim typeName As String = ""
If (Not AddType Is Nothing) Then
typeName = AddType
End If
Dim html As String = "<table id=""{0}"" border=""0"" cellSpacing=""0"" cellPadding=""0"""
html += "onclick=""AddTask('{0}');"">" ' EditNote('{0}');
html += "<tr>"
html += " <td align=""right"">"
html += e.Day.DayNumberText '+ ", " + typeName ' + ", " + TypeColor
html += " </td>"
html += "</tr>"
If (Not tasks Is Nothing) Then
Dim t As Task
For Each t In tasks
html += "<tr>"
html += " <td align=""left"" valign=""top"" style=""width:72px;height:12px;overflow:hidden;line-height:14px;BACKGROUND-COLOR:" & t.TaskColor.Name & ";"" onclick=""RemoveTask('{0}', '" & t.TaskNote & "')"" > "
html += t.TaskNote
html += " </td>"
html += "</tr>"
t = Nothing
html += "<tr>"
html += " <td align=""left"" valign=""top"" style=""width:72px;height:12px;overflow:hidden;line-height:14px;"">"
html += " </td>"
html += "</tr>"
End If
html += "</table>"
'Dim backgroundColor As String = String.Empty
'If Not (note Is Nothing) Then
' backgroundColor = "BACKGROUND-COLOR:" + TypeColor + ";"
'End If
html = String.Format(html, dayId) ', backgroundColor)
End Sub
Code: JavaScript
function AddTask(dayId)
//Get the cell in which the edit to take place
var dayTable = document.getElementById(dayId);
var s = "Add" //'document.getElementById(AddType);
//Get the date associated with the cell
curDate = eo_StringToDate(dayId.substr(6).replace(/_/g, '-'));
//Save the note
s = eo_DateToString(curDate) + s;
eo_Callback('<%=CallbackPanel1.ClientID%>', s);
function RemoveTask(dayId, tt)
//Get the cell in which the edit to take place
var dayTable = document.getElementById(dayId);
//Get the date associated with the cell
curDate = eo_StringToDate(dayId.substr(6).replace(/_/g, '-'));
var s = eo_DateToString(curDate) + " " + tt
eo_Callback('<%=CallbackPanel1.ClientID%>', s);
I am able to add multiple <td> in the cell of the table as per the text and background color. If the user clicks again on the added <td>, it fires onclick event for that td and calls RemoveTask and goes to Callback_Execute for removing. But after that it also executes for AddNote. So, I click on a added td, RemoveTask is called, goes to Callback in the else part and displays a Msgbox and again comes to callback with parameter s as Add which is in AddTask. Can you help me guide, that after Remove is fired and comes to callback, then again the AddNote shouldn't be executed. How to overcome this problem. Looking ahead for your help.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,274
We can only tell you that when you use callback, you can pass eo_Callback different values so that your server side code will be able to distinguish different scenarios and perform different action. Our tech support won't look into the code and troubleshoot any coding problems for you though.