Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/23/2009 Posts: 4
Hi, I need to create a grid dynamically, as the data coming through each time will consist of a varying number of columns. By using the code below i've managed to get started.
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Me.gridForecast.FullRowMode = False
Dim column1 = New EO.Web.TextBoxColumn
column1.HeaderText = "Sku ID"
column1.DataField = "sku_ID"
However, although i have set FullRowMode to false and am using a TextBoxColumn type, the cell is not editable at runtime. I can make it editable by removing the line where the DataField is assigned, but that doesn't help me. Please could someone let me know if they have any ideas how to get this to work? Thanks in advance
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,274
Hi, Your code looks fine to us. Is it possible for you to produce a test page for us to reproduce the problem? You can use the following steps to remove the dependence to your data source: 1. Restricts the data source to one row. For example, changing your SELECT statement to "SELECT TOP 1 ....". That way the Grid will only contain one row. If the problem still occurs, then continue to step 2; 2. Create a class and defines properties on that class. For example, if the data row for step 1 has an sku_ID value of "123", you can create a class Test, and define a public property "sku_ID" on it. Return "123" directly from that property; 3. Populate your Grid from your data class. It will be something like this:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Me.gridForecast.DataSource = new Object(){New YourDataClass}
Once you isolate the problem please post the result page. We will try to run it here. As soon as we can see the problem, it should be easy for us to tell you what's wrong. Thanks!
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/23/2009 Posts: 4
Hmm, as you mentioned that my code looked fine, i thought i would give it one last go before i started to look at your troubleshooting options and its now working without me having changed anything!!
I've spent the entire morning trying to get this working...maybe i should have posted on the forum earlier!!
Thanks for your help anyway - i'll get back to you if i come across any more problems.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,274
Not a problem. Let us know if you run into any other problems.
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/23/2009 Posts: 4
Hi - I've got another problem now. I've created a sub-procedure that runs for each month that creates 4 columns (id, Volume, Value and Margin) for each month (as per the code in my original post). There can be varying numbers of months to display depending on the users selection so therefore the grid can have varying numbers of columns This all works fine and i end up with a grid with the correct headings etc. However, when I then try to databind the data via a SQLDataReader to the grid i get an error saying "Data field 'vol_118' does not exist". vol_118 should be the datafield of the first column. I've checked and confirmed that the column is being created with this code, so i'm a bit stuck as to how to proceed. In the code below the user clicks btnGet.
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Protected Sub btnGet_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGet.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub BuildGrid()
Dim VBUtil As New VBCommonCode
' Existing record
Dim sConn As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SWASSQLConnectionString")
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(sConn)
Dim Command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
Command.Connection = connection
Command.CommandText = "sp_cprs_forecast_periodcolumns"
Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FromPeriod_ID", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.drpPeriodFrom.SelectedValue, 0))
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ToPeriod_ID", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.drpPeriodTo.SelectedValue, 0))
Dim aAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(Command)
Dim dDataSet As New DataSet
Dim rDataRow As DataRow
' Get column data
aAdapter.Fill(dDataSet, "periodcolumns")
' Create sku_id column
Me.gridForecast.FullRowMode = False
' Create sku_id column
Dim column1 = New EO.Web.StaticColumn
column1.HeaderText = "Sku ID"
column1.DataField = "sku_ID"
' Create sku_id column
Dim column2 = New EO.Web.StaticColumn
column2.HeaderText = "Sku Name"
column2.DataField = "sku_Name"
' Create sku_id column
Dim column3 = New EO.Web.StaticColumn
column3.HeaderText = "Sku Description"
column3.DataField = "sku_Description"
' Create sku_id column
Dim column4 = New EO.Web.CheckBoxColumn
column4.HeaderText = "Sku Status"
column4.DataField = "sku_Status"
' Create sku_id column
For Each rDataRow In dDataSet.Tables("periodcolumns").Rows
BuildGridColumn(rDataRow("YearPeriod"), CStr(rDataRow("period_id")))
Catch ex As Exception
' Close code here
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub BuildGridColumn(ByVal yp As String, ByVal p As String)
' ID Column
Dim column1 = New EO.Web.StaticColumn
column1.HeaderText = "id_" + p
column1.Name = "id_" + p
column1.DataField = "id_" + p
column1.Visible = False
' Volumn Column
Dim column2 = New EO.Web.TextBoxColumn
column2.HeaderText = yp + " Vol"
column2.Name = "vol_" + p
column2.DataField = "vol_" + p
' Margin Column
Dim column3 = New EO.Web.TextBoxColumn
column3.HeaderText = yp + " Mar"
column3.Name = "mar_" + p
column3.DataField = "mar_" + p
' Value Column
Dim column4 = New EO.Web.TextBoxColumn
column4.HeaderText = yp + " Val"
column4.Name = "val_" + p
column4.DataField = "val_" + p
End Sub
Protected Sub BuildGridData()
Dim VBUtil As New VBCommonCode
Dim sConn As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SWASSQLConnectionString")
Dim iRetValue As Integer
Dim conGQDS As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(sConn)
Dim cmdCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("sp_cprs_forecast_read", conGQDS)
Dim rReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
With cmdCommand
.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
.Parameters.Add("@ret", Data.SqlDbType.Int)
.Parameters(0).Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer_ID", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.drpCustomer.SelectedValue, 0)) '
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FromPeriod_ID", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.drpPeriodFrom.SelectedValue, 0)) '
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ToPeriod_ID", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.drpPeriodTo.SelectedValue, 0)) '
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FilterHeader", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.rdoGroupFilter.SelectedValue, 0)) '
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FilterDetail", VBUtil.NullInt(Me.drpGroupSelect.SelectedValue, 0)) '
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Retired", Me.chkRetired.Checked.ToString) '
rReader = .ExecuteReader()
iRetValue = CType(.Parameters("@ret").Value, Integer)
End With
Select Case iRetValue
Case 0 ' Success
While rReader.Read
Me.gridForecast.DataSource = rReader
End While
Case Else
Throw New Exception("sp_cprs_forecast_read returned an unexpected value of " + iRetValue.ToString())
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
' Close code here
End Try
End Sub
Thanks in advance,
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,274
Hi, There is no reason for the Grid to complain if the data field exists. You can verify that by checking the field right before you data bind the Grid:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Dim value as Object = rReader.Items("vol_118")
This should verify whether you have the correct field. Thanks!
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/23/2009 Posts: 4
Fixed now thanks!
I confirmed via your code that the data field was different to what i was expecting, looked back and found out the column headings coming through from the stored procedure had been altered without me knowing.
Thanks for your help, Trevor
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,274
Great. Thank you very much for the update!