Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 8/9/2007 Posts: 59
Hi There,
1. I am facing a small problem with FileExplorer. When i am renaming a folder, it does not allow me to leave a space between words. Eg: i cannot rename it to New Folder.
2. I dont know if i should open a new topic for this. But it is about the TreeView inside the FileExplorer. I would want the Treeview to be expanded at the 0 level. Eg: RootFolder="~/Demos/File Explorer/Files". I want the Folder Files to be Expanded, So i can see all the subfolders under it.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,229
Hi, For the first problem, please set the both the FileExplorer and the TreeView's EnableKeyboardNavigation to False. For the second problem, there is no direct server side interface for that. But you can do it with JavaScript:
<eo:TreeView ID="FolderTree"
ClientSideOnLoad="expand_tv_onload" ...>
Code: JavaScript
function expand_tv_onload()
//Get the root node
var tv = eo_GetObject("FolderTree");
var topGroup = tv.getTopGroup();
var rootNode = topGroup.getItemByIndex(0);
//Populate the root node